chapter 11

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Jojo POV
Hey yaw I'm really pissed about this whole tay new baby kamya quan to take my mind off it imma call my hoe reanna
Reanna and jojo convo
Can u come over and show me a Lil sum sum
Yeah wat u want daddy
Top bitch wat u think
Right ight be there Ina few
Hurry yo ass up to
ight poppy
U got five minutes
30mins later Deanna show up
She giving jojo top then she let em hit the he put the hoe out
Jania POV
Hey I'm mania ne'kol Thomas
I got poofy curly brown hair brown eyes big thighs big tities shoe game I live wit my boyfriend Alton Jefferson aka Aj my 3yr old son jesemi my unborn babygirl j' phone starts ringing while I'm sitting at the table makin jesemi chicken nuggets
Tay and jania phone convo
Who is es
Wassup cuz
Nun I gotta tell u something
Wassup don't tell me something wrong wit the baby
I lost it
Wtf Taylor ner'miayah Dawson
Me nn quan was going to the Mercedes Benz to go get something on the way I fell n hit my stomach he rushed me to the hospital nn the baby was gone tay said in tears
Its okay tay I'm reh come to the hospital
ight bring my Lil cuzzin jesemi
End of jania and tay convo
I get jesemi dressed nn myself bae do u wanna go to the hospital widd me to see tay??
Damn she already had the baby??Aj hollered from the other room
How dumb do u sound rn baby she was only a couple months
Aweeee nahh I'm good I don't like hospitals...wait she lost the baby??
Yasss Aj
That's sad
BYE AJ I said as I went to my dodge charger

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