Chapter 16

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ATTENTION (to everyone who has read Texas Stars): I am now a Goodreads Author! (Yay me!) And Texas Stars is now on Goodreads! :D Cool, I know. But anyway, if you've read Texas Stars, could you go rate it? *cheesy grin* Pweese? It would make my day! :) Anyway, if you do, I'll give you the next chapter.

And I guess even if you don't you'll still get the next chapter. (My story was up to #539!! Thank you very very much!)

"C'mon. Wake up." Gillian shook Ryia awake. "We've got to get going."

Ryia blinked and scrunched her nose as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm not feeling so well." she collapsed against his side.

"Oh no." Gillian muttered. "We don't need this."

She felt a cold hand on her burning forehead. "Yep, you aren't very well." Gillian picked her up, carried her to Red and set her on top of him. "Can you sit for me? Just for a minute."

She sluggishly nodded and sat wobbly on Red for a moment while Gillian hopped on top of Red and held Ryia close to his chest, keeping her from falling off of Red.

Keep her from getting worse. he prayed. They had a better chance of getting captured with her being sick. Especially if she's retching. Gillian wrinkled his nose. He couldn't stand sick people. He couldn't stand getting sick. He didn't believe in getting sick. Getting sick is for weak people. And Ryia is weak.

It wasn't her fault she got sick. She was just a naturally weak character. And weak character makes you more susceptible to illnesses.

Red slowly trotted through the dense trees, the defused light making it difficult for Gillian to decided which way was north and which way was south.

He finally came to a clearing where he saw the sun clear to his right. "So I should be heading in the right direction." he mused.

Ryia moaned something about, "raiders, mother, and illness".

Gillian felt her forehead again. "Worse than before." his mouth twitch. "Great, just great." he unscrewed his water canteen and let some water drip into her mouth. Inevitably some dripped down the side of her face and onto Gillian's shirt. Gillian grumbled something under his breath. "Did she have to get sick? Couldn't she have waited till Carenthia?" he sighed.

Ryia shivered.

Apparently not. he frowned and kept riding south. Please send help. I can't continue riding with her limp body. And I don't have the materials to take care of a sick person. Please, I need help.


"Dearie?" Mrs. Jolly called to her husband. "Mr. Markus Jolly get in here right now!"

"Yes, Love?" he called back to his wife. "What is it you need?"

"I have a bad feeling." she yelled.

"About what?" he opened their front door and got closer to his wife so he could hear her better.

"I just think we should make an extra chicken." she looked down at the simmering pot of chicken broth.

Mr. Jolly scoffed. "I think that's your stomach talking."

"Markus, go get me another chicken!" she spanked his backside and sent him back outside.

"Tubby woman never gets enough to eat." he mumbled as he entered the chicken coop. "Come Chubby Chick! Mrs. Jolly wants another chicken to eat!" he grabbed Chubby Chick and quickly tied up the wings, layed the chicken's neck on a stump, took his ax and whacked off the head.

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