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We searched the palace a million times over. We tore Nick's house apart from the bottom to the top. We called everyone we could and begged them to let us know if they had seen anything.

No one knows where Negito's gone.

Nick is inconsolable at this point, cursing himself over and over between frustrated sobs.

Just when we thought things would be okay, we woke up to Negito's empty bedroom and nothing of him left behind except for his note.

When I fell unconscious, I had a premonition of a terrible reality that would become ours if I don't do this, Is what the note started with, followed by a vague explanation. I can't stay with you or in the palace, I have to leave and find the solution to avert this tragedy. Do NOT follow me, I cannot stress this enough- this is something I need to do alone for everyone's own safety. I will be back, but I need time to come on my own.

In the meantime, don't be afraid to move on and live your lives. The last thing I want is for you two to stall, to sit and waste away waiting on me. Let Posilyn live with you and keep living as you have before. As long as I do as I need to and leave on my own, there is no danger. Calseres is dead, and he won't be coming back.

Nick and I have practically read it a thousand times, searching and scanning every sentence for any little hint of where he could have gone to no avail. He was as vague as he intended to be when he wrote this.

Please understand, I don't want to do this. I have no other choice. Thank you for everything you've both done for me, and I love you both dearly.

And I swear to you, this isn't goodbye.

Living Emotion: The World BelowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant