Chapter 19

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Grace’s POV;

Harry was leaving for New York and I was going home till Christmas, I hated being apart from him, but luckily the 23rd came by fast. I was going back to England on the 24th. My last day home I spent with my family and we’d have a big diner together tonight which I was going to arrange. I went to the grocery store to get all the stuff needed and as always I talked to my old classmates working there. When I walked back home I saw this mini cooper and another car on our driveway, both had an English license plate. Who could that be? I mean, I was going back there tomorrow to spend Christmas with Harry and his family. When I walked in through the backdoor into the kitchen I called out for my mom but instead of her replying Harry walked into in the doorway. ‘What are you doing here?!’ I squeeled and he just smiled. I ran up to him and he picked me up and we kissed. ‘SURPRISE!’ he said and then I noticed, holy, cameras in my house! Ofcourse, the crew followed him. ‘Seriously, what are you doing here?!’ I asked him again. ‘Well, instead of going home I decided to drive here and surprise you’ he said smiling at me. ‘You drove here?!’ I asked and as I said it I realized it wasn’t even that far.. I drove to Paris once myself and his home would only be like 2 hours further. ‘Yep, and we are going to do a roadtrip back tomorrow’ he said and gave me a kiss in the cheek. ‘So, what are we eating tonight?’ he asked while walking to the bag I dropped. ‘Nice, your special dish’ he said while looking into the bag. 

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