~Chapter 1~

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Zakiya Kazami was making her way towards Skybucks for one of her favorites: a salted caramel frappe.
She had classes today and she could not get through the day without it. It was Monday afterall. She walked up to the door to see a man looking around suspiciously as he was about to enter the café but stopped when he saw her and decided to hold the door open for her. "Thanks." Zakiya nodded at him and made her way towards the cashier. "Hi, I would like a-"
"Alright, everybody down, this is a robbery!" A man's voice interrupted her. She turned to see who it was as everyone was screaming and trying to hide under tables or remaining still in their seats. It was the same man that had held the door open for her. "Quick! Run to the back and call for help!" She heard the manager behind the counter tell one of the employees. The robber walked up to the counter. "Alright, give me the money!" He said as he shoved a sack towards the manager. He then turned towards Zakiya. "I said everybody get down!"
"Ugh, I didn't get my frappe yet." She groaned.
The man had turned to the manager who was slowly putting the money in the bag, probably stalling for time. "Hurry it up! And...put some cream and sugars in there too!"
'What the hell...who robs a Skybucks AND steal their cream and sugars too??' Zakiya thought.
He then turned towards her. "Not my problem, now get down!"
"No!" She said as she turned towards the manager. "And stop putting cream and sugars in the bag!"
"No, don't listen to her!"
The manager looked between them as they began arguing, not knowing who he should listen to. "I'm confused!" He cried out. The robber then growled and pulled out a knife and held it towards Zakiya. She scoffed and folded her arms. "You don't wanna do that."
"How much you wanna bet?"


Ray, Henry, and Charlotte were all in the Man Cave. Charlotte was at the monitor doing whatever it is that she normally does while Ray and Henry were playing ping-pong.
"I'm gonna get that belt back!" Ray said.
"In your dreams!" Henry replied as they both swiftly moved around to try to keep up with each other. Henry had won the Ping-Pong Championship belt from Ray, who was trying to win it back without cheating, that was the deal. A few minutes later the emergency alarm began to sound off. "Uh guys, we have an emergency." Charlotte called out to them as she pressed the button to talk to Gooch. "The Skybucks is getting robbed. Here's some footage..." A clip started to show on the screen. Someone was filming it with their phone, it seemed and it showed a man that they assumed to be the robber arguing with a girl. "Everyone shh!" Ray said, leaning in towards the screen to get a good look at the girl. "But no one was talking." Henry said. Ray proceeded to observe the girl. She seemed about college-age and had on a blue, long-sleeved fitted shirt with a white ruffled skirt that stopped a little above her knee. Her mocha-colored skin seemed to be glowing and her long black hair tied into a braid that fell down a little past her waist with her bangs framing her angelic face. "She's beautiful..." Ray muttered aloud.
"Oh yeah, she's hot." Henry agreed.
"I know right, look at her-"
"Guys! There is a robbery happening! You should probably go stop it!" Charlotte said.
"Right." Henry and Ray said as they popped a gumball in their mouth. After their bubbles was blown and their uniforms flashed on to their bodies, they ran up to the tubes and hit the button on their belts. "UP THE TUBE!" They called out, then they were gone.


Neither the robber nor Zakiya noticed Captain Man and Kid Danger enter the café.
The robber grew frustrated with arguing with the stubborn, smart-mouthed girl so he pulled out a knife and held it towards her. She scoffed and folded her arms. "You don't wanna do that."
"How much you wanna bet?" The man growled.
"Oh man, he has a knife, we gotta do something!" Henry said but as he was about to rush towards them Ray held out an arm to stop him. "Wait...I think she got it under control."
"B-but...!" He was about to protest but stopped when he saw the young woman had quickly dodged the man's attack, grabbed his arm and twisted it a little, making him drop the knife as he cried out. Then she knead him in his nether region and back-handed him hard to the ground. The man groaned in pain and was curling up in fetal-position. "I told you you didn't wanna do that." She said with a smirk as she stood over him with her hands on her hips.
"Oh, she did have it under control." Kid Danger said. Everyone began to clap and cheer. "Hey look! It's Captain Man and Kid Danger!" Someone called out. They walked up to Zakiya.
"That was quite a brave and impressive thing you did there Miss...?" Captain Man started.
"Zakiya! That's a beautiful name." He smiled. Zakiya returned the smile. "Why thank you. I'm being complimented by Captain Man, I feel very honored."
"Well how would you feel about me taki-"
"Captain Man!" Kid Danger called out. He looked over to him, slightly annoyed that he had been interrupted. "What?!"
"We gotta go, there's another robbery going on downtown." Captain Man sighed and turned towards Zakiya who was at the counter getting a free salted caramel frappe for being brave earlier. "Well I gotta go, or Im'a be late to class. Buh-bye~!" Zakiya smiled at them before quickly leaving. A disappointed look formed on Captain Man's face as he left with Kid Danger. "Oh thanks a lot, you interrupted me before I could ask her out!" He pouted.
Kid Danger looked up at him. "You haven't stopped talking about her ever since we left the Man Cave. You like her a lot, don't you?"
"Uh, duh!"
Kid Danger rolled his eyes. "Well if you like her that much you shouldn't ask her out as Captain Man, you should ask her as Ray. That way you won't risk exposing yourself and she'll know the real you." Captain Man stopped walking and thought about it. "You know, you're right..." He said matter-of-factly. "Thanks kid!"
"No problem. Now let's go, we got a robbery to stop."

A/N: Alright, first chapter's up! Now I know you noticed that I used "Skybucks" instead of "Starbucks". In all the shows that has been created by Dan Schneider that I've seen (Drake & Josh, iCarly, Victorious, etc.) has names for places, things, etc. that's different from the stuff we know and Henry Danger is no exception. So I'm going to try and use those words and terms as necessary throughout the story. I might even make up a few, I don't know, I'll see. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and let me know if I should continue this. Bye~!

~Zakya xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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