Chapter 1

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"Aw crap!" Historia Wieldenier swore as she saw the time.

"6.15am" Her clock read as she finished brushing her teeth. She was supposed to wake up 15 minutes ago and report to her school at 7 am for orientation of the new students, to which she was in charge for. Tugging on a pair of slip on boots, Historia slid into her undergarments and clothes, which consisted of a pair of jeans and a simple dark purple v-neck.

'Forget the damn makeup.' Historia told herself as she pushed aside her foundation to grab her silver watch and dusted on some powder and applied chapstick. Strapping her silver plated watch on, Historia equipped herself with her mobile phone, wallet, keys and earphones.

Glad that she had the sense to pack her school bag the night before, Historia tied her brown hair in a loose side ponytail and slid her bag onto her shoulder.

Settling for a cup of orange juice, which she chugged back messily and a piece of toast, which she rammed into her mouth, Historia made her way to school.

Swerving this way and that to avoid bumping into people, Historia was beginning to feel desperate. She didn't want her image to be ruined by the late coming.

'Please...Just a little more time! That's all I ask for! Please!' Historia thought as she caught sight of her school.

For the second time since the night before, Historia felt the cold and electric sensation running up and down her body.

Paying it no heed, Historia pressed on. Keeping her eyes on the large clock her school had, Historia furrowed her eyes in determination as the clock moved to strike 7am.

But it never did.

Running into the entrance of the school and into the foyer, where her teacher and student who were also helping out with the orientation were waiting, Historia noticed something extraordinary.

The clock was ticking backwards.

And no one was paying mind to what was happening.

Slowing to a pause in front of the people in the foyer, Historia took in her surroundings with surprise.

Everything was tinted pale grey. If she hadn't stopped to look, Historia doubted she would have noticed.

Observing the people, Historia realized that they were moving backwards as well.

Wherever they had been, Historia could see a trail of their skin, items and clothes following, like smoke following fire.

Just as she was about to move another step, the pale greyness suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the clock, Historia noticed it ticking in the now correct and clockwise direction.

Blinking a few times, Historia realized the time.

'6.55 am' Historia breathed a sigh of relief as she ran up to meet her schoolmates and teacher.

As she listened to the briefing, which had been reiterated time and again before the first day of school for the helpers, Historia couldn't shake off the chill and the strangeness of it all.

What had happened? What was with the vibration in her pocket?

Realizing that her phone was ringing, Historia pulled it out and moved off stealthily, moving to one of the potted plants for privacy.

"Historia, you left your lunch at home." The worried voice of her mother met her ears.

"Uh, okay. And Mom?" For a moment, Historia contemplated on telling her mother what had happened earlier.

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