Battle at the Salon

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I walk in to Around Do Way and I'm surprise the salon is really nice, Diamond was waiting on me in the reception area. She told me that Lena was their running her mouth about  situation that went down between us. I told her I was fine and I want fight in  the saloon, but I will whip her with this tongue.

Everybody look my way as I took a seat in Diamond's chair, I hear Lena whisper Yea that's that bitch right there I was talking about.

I look at them with a smirk on my face and told her don't forget to tell the complete story, you know how when I whipped out my gun on you, slap and kicked you. How I tripped you,made you fall on your face and then made you run naked out my house.

Bitch shut up!! No Bitch you shut up I yelled, you was fucking my husband in my bed, you thought that shit was fine and OK. I always knew you were no good, I didn't judge you about your hoeish behavior. Hell I thought I made sure to never bring you around my husband, but you guys found yourself together anyway.

I trusted that my husband wouldn't hurt me wouldn't cheat. You both made a fool of me.

So tell me trick Lena, I definitely would like to know how this affair all started. I'll wait! It was silence for like a few seconds, I said talked bitch!!

This bitch starts to smile and want to act tough.Since you wanna no Halle with your prissy ass , it was my plan all along to get your man. I was tired of every time we girls go out they would always talk about how good of a husband you have and how good you had it. Especially that Mari it's like she was always praising you guys. Well one day when you two birds weren't around I made a bet that I could seduce your man and take him as my own. One Saturday I follow him from your house as he went into Publix. We started talking, flirting and I was able to get your husband number. The affair didn't start right away, I had to break him down slowly.

He was so stuck on you.It made me try even harder, I wanted your husband bad. I wanted to be his wife and I will be soon now that you're out the way.

Damn you are a jealous hoe, low down dirty hoe.Your jealousy and you wanting my life led you to seducing my husband. So how many times Lena? How long you been sleeping together and in my bed.

See now I'm getting mad I'm about to take this bitch outside and whip her ass. If this bitch keeps rolling her eyes at me I'm going to slap them off her face.

For the last week we had sex everyday at my house, I told him I wanted to have sex in your bed. He was hesitant at first, but the more I sucked on his balls and deep throat that dick, he gave in and you know what happened next.

I saw myself with my hands around this hoe neck, but I kept my cool.I Haven't had sex with my soon to be ex husband in two weeks, but I setup an appointment with my gynecologist to get checked for diseases anyway.

Anything else you want to know Halle?, I sat there for a minute thinking through everything thus skunk just said. Everybody looking at me waiting on what have to say.

Diamond broke the silence by telling me she wanted to lighten up my hair with some honey brown tones, I agreed told her that would be nice.

But before she started I wanted to get this off my chest. You know Lena you hurt me, but it's his ass that's going to hurt even more. One thing that man knew that you are a hoe, you think you broke him down seduced him. He played you, he was just waiting on your invite to get between your legs.

If he was such a good man he wouldn't have cheated, he would of came to me the first time and told me. Maybe you feel you were the first woman he cheated with! Hell maybe!

This bitch jump up like she's ready to hit me, she starts rolling her neck, starts talking all loud. Until her stylist Ann ask her to calm down or leave.

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