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Corporal Levi is obsessed.

He thinks about you now, in the cold dead of night. While the sky is still an inky black painted with a milky moon and dazzling stars. To him, you are not just his world. No. You are his sun, moon, stars, night, and day. You are the Earth and every other planet that inhabits the Milky Way. You are this galaxy and every other within the universe. You are his never ending passion; his one true love.

He thinks about you all of the time. Your face, your hair, your eyes. He lets out a sigh;in his mind you are perfection. He thinks about the way you walk, your facial expressions, every word he has had the privilege to hear you utter. His breathing escalates, heart pounding as he starts to fantasize. He wants you so bad that it hurts. His entire being aches for you. For your body, mind, and soul. He was you entirely as he is willing to give himself to you.

If others knew of the thoughts that plagued his mind night and day they would call him things: crazy, stalker, creep. Though, he can not really argue these terms are entirely inaccurate. He is infatuated by your very presence. Drunk on your life. Consumed by you entirely.

Yes, it is true, Corporal Levi is obsessed.

*** In the Morning***

Levi never actually went to sleep that night. Instead, he continued to let his mind wander on about you until the sun rose. When it did, he changed his clothes and washed up. There was no way he would ever let you catch him looking disheveled. Or at least until he had won you over that is. After getting ready he headed for the dinning hall. On the outside, it appeared as though he was cool, calm, and collected. However the reality of it was that on the inside he was ecstatic. His heart beat rapidly in his chest at just the thought if seeing you.

When he entered the dinning hall, he immediately picked you out in the room. You were sitting next to Hanji conversing about something. You looked so happy. It made him happy too.

That is of course until that green eyed Titan brat sauntered his way over to you. Sitting down next to you all nonchalant. But Levi knew better; he knew what that arrogant kid was really after. Levi gritted his teeth in rage.

"Tch," Levi said in disgust, "I'll be damned if I let that filth take what belongs to me."

This is my first xReader fanfiction. I'm really excited to write this because I love Levi's character and I can't wait to see how this will turn out. Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions on how I could make this story better. Thanks :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan, its characters, or any of the images used.

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