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" muhhhhhhhhhhh" I said as I watched jimmy pesto sweeping the side walk from my bedroom window. I could hear my sister and brother fighting in the other room about who had gotten the last Lollipop.

"No one under stands what I am going through " I thought to my self, but it was true. I am just a teenage girl. With Raging hormones and an obsession with butts, but what are you gonna do about it? that's life.

I walked out my room careful not to make to much noise so I wouldn't alert the demons I call siblings. I went down the stairs and into the burger shop. My dad was on the grill but the store was empty so I ducked behind the counter and made my way to the door. When my dad wasn't paying attention I quietly made my way out the glass door.

When I was finally out of the greasy smelling shop I started to make my way down the side walk twards my secret spot on the board walk. When ever I was feeling bad or just needed to Disappear I came here hoping that I was the only one who knew about it. It was a small spot between the edge of the board walk and the beach it wasn't small it could probably fit about two other people including me in it so it was a fairly nice size.

I am not just this awkward teenage girl that everyone makes me out to be. I am Tina belcher yes I am always nervous, but hey it's life and you just gotta live it.

I think I need a change, jimmy pesto my long term crush hasn't noticed me and I see these pretty girls with shaved legs and cute outfits but how can they get rid of their little hair friends ? It's like killing a village of people!

I pushed my self off the sand and made my way home . When I was about half way home I wasn't paying much attention to where I was walking and bumped in to some thing hard and slightly soft. When I looked up I met the most perfect green/blue eyes ever . There was a talk boy standing in Front of me he had this slight daze in his eyes. He had green hair ,his eyes were a mix of colors , and he had snake bites on his lower lip. He wore a black graphic t that read " RAMONES" on the front in white letters, and black skinny jeans with black converse. I didn't relies he was taking to me until I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. " hey are you okay?" He asked me in a low voice I looked behind me and around me and down at my feet just to make sure he was talking to me . " ummm bo-by- UGH STOP BY BOBS BURGERS" was all I managed to say before becoming extremely flustered and running off towards the shop . When I looked back the nameless hunk was standing in the same place staring At me . " oh lord of butts almighty please help me I am in able to help my self in this urgent call of desperateness !!! I have sacrificed my dignity to the almighty ruler butacouse!" I pleaded in my mind for me to never see him again so I wouldn't have to die of embarrassment.

I am so awkward aren't I ughhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy heeeeasaarrrrrrt. When I finally got to the shop I mumbled a small hello to my dad who was cleaning the counter and made my way up to the apartment and twirls my room only being stopped for a brief moment by my sister to see if I had seen her fart spray for a prank on dad to which I mumbled a short sorry I haven't in response. When I got in my room I dropped down on to my bed like a dead cow . Man I am too awkward for my own good ughhhhsniabaixbsiksvdicbHzjzbshxgkzafter a few minutes or so I fell a sleep with the thought of the mystery boy still fresh on my mind .

Wait what am I even wearing today I looked at my skinny jeans bLue shirt, and black converse I decided to do some thing different than my usual skirt and shirt but hey it worked out because at least the poor boy I bumped in to eyes didn't burn away hahah. Okay I really need to sleep , they always say the first day of summer is always the best.

Me and my tall glass of suga 💙Where stories live. Discover now