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( loosely based from the song "lifeboat" from heathers the musical
loosely written in diary format.
all is told in sweeneys POV )
"tell how you feel" they said,"you won't be judged" they said.
they said this was a safe space?
safe space my ass.
all I've gotten from sharing my secret is dirty looks and slurs written on post it notes that've been shoved into my locker.
all the teacher wanted were for them to turn the tv cameras off.
all i wanted was to feel safe without being teased for once in my fucking life.
but hey
can't always get what you want in life eh?
im sitting in a bathroom as im writing this.
i can still hear them taunting me
I can still hear them chanting whine
I can still hear them in my head.
fuck I can't take this anymore.
; please excuse shitty writing,this was written at 2am my apologies

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