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It was december 26th, everyone was happy. The day before, Aria, Alison, Emily, Spencer and Hanna had spent christmas day with their boyfriends Ezra, Toby and Caleb, as well as Mona and Mike. They ended up doing a big meal with everyone in the night, that -A took pleasure to spoil.

The holidays were still on for Rosewood high's students, except for our dear liars. -A wasn't on a vacation anymore and it was time to start again the researches about the identity of their black mailer.

At this time, Spencer, "the smart one", was thinking really hard that Noel Kahn was this monster that was terrifying them. Alison was totally against this idea : Noel and Cece had helped her these past two years, when she was away. It was impossible for her to think that the boy she regarded as her best friend would be her worst enemy. Yes, he wasn't the most complaisant boy that she met during her life, but she fully trusted him.

Aria and Ezra came back late to Ezra's apartment the night before. They were peacefully eating breakfast on the small table of his kitchen when Aria's phone buzzed. A group conversation including Aria, Alison, Spencer, Emily and Hanna appeared on the screen.

「I talked to Connor. He gave me the adress of the house he used to go often with Noel, but I gotta go look for some medicines for Toby.. Who could go see if there's anything interesting in there? 」 Spencer texted. Indeed, Toby had gone through a rough car accident the day before Thanksgiving, but he has got through it with just a broken leg, fortunately.

「The guy hates us, how did you convince him to give you the address?」Alison answered almost instantly.

「I can be very persuasive when I want to... 」 Spencer retorted. Awesome. She must have done the i take off my bra thing again, like she did with Andrew. Aria was picturing her very well, doing her winner smirk while she was writing this message.

「Okay, I'm in, even if I'm sure that Noel is NOT A. But I'm surely not going alone. 」Alison said.

「I'll come with you Ali.」Aria sent quickly.

「Okay, I'll check if Em is okay, she didn't feel really well yesterday night, and I'll pick you up at the Brew. Can you please send the adress Spence? 」

Aria took her eyes off her phone to look at her wonderful boyfriend, reading for like the 20th time The Great Gatsby, their favorite book.

"Ezra, I have to go to the Brew, to meet Ali. Spencer might have a clue." She said smiling.

"That's awesome! Do you want me to come with you?" He asked putting his book on the table and taking Aria's hands.

"No, don't worry. If we find anything, we'll tell you."

"I still think it would be safer if I come. We never know, maybe -A is waiting for you there and-"

"Hey, I don't want what happened in New york to happen again, understood?"

"And I don't want anything to happen to you, understood?" He said with a smirk.

"I swear, there isn't anything to be afraid of, we're just going in a stupid house."

She stood up and kissed Ezra quickly. When she broke the kiss, Ezra put his lips back on hers holding her neck and they kissed languorously.

See You Again (Ezria & Emison) ↝ ENWhere stories live. Discover now