My Not So Exciting Life

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Chapter 1

Standing on stage and receiving the golden ticket to the next part of my life was something that I have accomplished on my own. Something that many of my friends have missed out on because they chose to pick the easy way out. High school was the worst 4 years of my life. I didn’t wanna fail and stay another year, so I worked my butt off. Even with my 2.1 GPA, I somehow made it.

Of course, I wish that I ended my high school life with all the shiny medals,awards and the extra tassels. But I have my reasons to why I never took the time to earn those things. First off, I hate people. I hate associating with others and I also hate having to pretend that working as a team was totally normal. After transferring to 12 different schools, I learned to accept that I will always forever be a lone wolf. I don’t need anyone else to help me. I’ve made it 17 years on my own. (Excluding the help of my family, of course). I hate hanging out with people as well. I don’t understand why I need to go out all the time and “have fun” when I could be at home writing a song or something more productive. Besides, All the people that you call friends in high school will soon eventually fade away after high school is over. What’s the point of putting effort into something that will soon disappear? I don’t like to live for the moment. I live for the future.

As you can clearly see, I’m not a social person. Nor am I an optimistic thinker. I can’t help it. All of the people that I have met in my life has shaped me into who I am today. I learned that no one can be trusted and no one is really your friend. After 17 years of my dreadfully boring life, I’ve only met one person who I can really truly trust. I met her during junior year at my new high school. The school was practically 92% white people. I don’t blend in well, obviously. Being the new girl at school every year, You kinda learn that lunchtime is the worst time. The food is great, don’t get me wrong. But finding a seat, is the challenge here. As I stand in line to get my lunch, I scout the lunch room to find a proper place where I feel that I’d be accepted at. I usually look for the table of awkward kids. They are usually too shy to tell me that I can’t sit with them. But with my usual luck, I couldn’t find them. As I walk around awkwardly with my lunch tray in my hands, I make eye contact with a strange Asian kid who was obviously my ethnicity (Hmong). But he was one of those weird guys that tried to look like some Korean pop star. I quickly looked away and went to the back of the lunch room to sit by myself at what I call “The Loner Table”. It was quite lonely. But I really didn’t care. As long as I had my headphones and my lunch, I’m happy.

I sat alone for about 2 days until this random girl comes up to me and says “Is anyone sitting here?”... Well of course someone is sitting there. I have plenty of friends here, obviously. But me being the nice person that I am, I simply replied “No.” She quickly sat down and tried to start a conversation. Like I said before, I hate associating with people. Also, When I’m eating, Don’t talk to me. I need my personal time with my delicious meal. But this girl was persistent.

“I like your backpack!” She said.

Are you serious? The one I got at goodwill for 5 dollars? She’s obviously joking.

“Thank you. I like yours too.” I replied.

I was totally just being nice. Her backpack was so tacky, It looked like she came fresh out of middle school. She then introduced herself to me and told me that she was a freshman and we had choir together. It’s been about 2 days and I have not seen her once in that class. It really shows that I have no care for anyone. After lunch, We both sat awkwardly until the bell rang.

It may seem as though I hate Breanna, but I don’t. We eventually built our friendship and found that we both have many things in common. (Besides the fact that she was the only Asian in the world that gets grounded) I remember when we both went to some kind of weird fair in our school and there was a karaoke machine. I begged and begged her to sing with me until she finally agreed. I picked my favorite song “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood. I knew that Breanna was a singer because she told me before that she takes singing lessons. I usually don’t remember things, but I remember thinking, “What kind of Asian takes singing lessons?” So as we grabbed the microphones to start singing, I realized that I could not even hear myself due the fact that Breanna was singing her guts out and totally overpowering me. After that, We got so much closer because I couldn’t stop laughing at her burst of confidence. She was always so shy about singing.

Anyway, I could write a whole novel about me and Breanna’s adventures. But she’s quite boring. So I’ll make this brief. Breanna was the first person that I could trust because she lived quite a different world than I did. She got grounded, took singing lessons, and lives in a mansion. As for me, I never got grounded because I got punishment like a real Asian kid, I’ve never taken any singing lessons because we can’t afford it, and I lived in a small 3 bedroom apartment. Breanna helped me through all my struggles. I told her everything and she told me everything. She talked me out of killing myself a few times.

I always told myself that I would never have a best friend because I hate false hope. But now, I changed my mind. Breanna is my best friend. I want her at my graduation, my wedding, and my funeral. She’s just one of those people that I could really count on. But I soon moved out of the school to go to this Asian dominated high school. I never lost contact with Bree though. We’re still super close.

Okay, Enough with the sappy writing. That’s not who I am. Don’t judge me! Well, anyway, I started to attend this high school full of Asians, blacks, Mexicans and with a population of what it seemed like 3 white people. It was a nice change, but I know that making friends with Asians would be just as hard as making friends with whites. From what I remember, Asian girls are the main source of drama. I haven’t been to an Asian populated school in 2 years. White schools never have drama with me. But every time I transfer to a school like this, everyone seems to hate me. Let me tell you this, High school sucks.

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