
The breeze that wafted between Alastair and I cooled me and put me in the mood of peace and calm, a serene atmosphere enveloping us with its loving embrace. Alastair and I were at the park and I made him buy ice-cream for us, which we were both currently licking at, because I had won the challenge.

Before I could have even jumped into my food, I watched Alastair with a smug expression on my face as I waited for him to take the first bite of his seasoned, grilled fish that he had ordered along with a packet of chips. Alastair had raised his eyebrows at my giddy expression and I merely rolled my eyes and said, "well, are you going to eat already? I can't wait to see you lose this challenge."

His serious, silvery gaze never wavered from me and for a moment I felt the smile on my lips falter and it was not because I was displeased with his reply. It was because the way his eyes were locked to mine, the heat and darkness of those enticing grey eyes, sent numerous spine-chilling waves down my body and the way my body responded, by heating, was definitely not because I was displeased. Something else entirely, something that I wasn't able to place my finger on.

"And I can't wait to prove you wrong," was all he said before his grey, alluring eyes shifted from me and to his delicious looking plate of food. I smirked because I knew he was wrong and I watched his expression closely, my smirk growing even wider.

His eyes widened the slightest bit that if I wasn't focusing all my attention on him then I would have missed the way his eyes sparked up, losing the edge for just a moment, and while his face was not directly towards me, I didn't have to see all of his face to be sure that Alastair loved what small portion of seasoned, grilled fish that he had just swallowed. When he raised his eyes to me, that spark was still there before he realised what expression he was wearing and then the same old serious, brooding expression took it's place on Alastair well-defined face.

A small stubble had begun to appear on his jaw and I took my time, a smirk playing on my lips, as I took this opportunity to let my eyes wander around his face. His skin was slightly dark, a rich colour that strangely made me want to touch him. His lips were slightly tinted purple, the movement of it easily pulled my attention. His nose was long and thin while his jaw was defined and set. He looked intimidating and fierce, and maybe that was what scared me when we first met - and the fact that I had just seen the man in my nightmares in real life as well - but now I knew better than to be intimidated by him. I couldn't fully lay my trust in him because that was my natural instinct; don't trust anyone.

And while I didn't want to trust him, while that voice kept nagging at me to not trust Alastair I couldn't help but take heed of my mother's words because while he never really gave me reason to trust him, he never really gave me reason to not trust him either.

"So," I said slyly, "am I right or am I right?"

"You are most definitely wrong," he replied, his voice clipped and serious as he tried his very best to keep his face expressionless but I was not about to let him win.

"You and I both know you're the one who is wrong-"

"I am not-"

"Yes, you are," I replied, the sly smile growing wider as I tilted my head and grinned mischievously across the table when I saw that his jaw clicked in place to show the slight annoyance that slipped into his serious expression. "And now you owe me ice-cream."

And that was how Alastair and I found ourselves in the park that was located nearby Fish Away where we had ordered the ice-cream cones from. Alastair had picked vanilla without a second choice and I went for a simple chocolate ice-cream cone because even though I made him pay for the ice-cream I wasn't that selfish that I would think of buying the priciest ice-cream on the menu, so I had gone for a simple chocolate cone that tasted delightful in my mouth.

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