Prison Vibes

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TBH I miss the prison so much because everyone was always happy and joking around. Plus the only worries they had were the water hoses clogging with mud lol.

"Carl? Where are you?" I yell through the prison. The sound of my voice echoes through the cells, which makes me realize nobody is in here.

Everyone has been busy working on turning the outside field into a farm so it's all hands on deck. Kids are supposed to be taking a break though, so I have no idea where Carl is. He's one of the only kids my age here so I kind of rely on him to hang out with.

Losing hope, I go back outside to have a glass of instant lemonade with the younger ones. Lizzie calls me over to sit next to her and I jog over.

"Hi (y/n), where have you been? Carl's been looking everywhere for you. Said he needs to tell you something important."

"Funny, I was looking for him. Know where I can find him?"

"He told us he was going to his cell and to send you over if we talked to you."

"Well I should head over. Sorry to cut this short!" I say politely.

"Bye (y/n)!" They scream in unison. Well here I go again. I walk to Carl's cell and sure enough he's there, laying in bed.

"Lazy much?" I raise an eyebrow and laugh.

"Shut up!" He throws a pillow at me and joins with a chuckle. I walk over to his bed and "fall" on top of him.

"Sorry! Whoops! Oh my god, my bad! Just. So. Clumsy." I say as I squirm around on him laughing uncontrollably.

"Haha very funny, now get off of me!" He grabs my wrists and flips us over pinning me to the bed.

"You don't want to do this Grimes."

"What?" He says with a smirk.

"Play fight. You know I'll win."

"Psh as if." Carl flips his hair as he says this. Out of the corner of my eye I see Rick in the door. I decide I wanted to embarrass Carl, because ya know, why not?

"I bet you couldn't take your dad." I grin.

"I could so!" He argues.

"Prove it!" Rick shouts in his son's ear.

"AHHHH! Oh my god! Why did you do that?!" Carl screams.

"Because You can apparently "take me" so I wanted to see what you would do," Rick laughs, "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you're done with work for the day. Take the time to hang out and rest. You'll be busy tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks." Carl and I say, and Rick leaves us alone.

"Well that was manly." I tease.

"Okay, well that wasn't fair."

"Yeah, okay." I sigh, "Let's just go outside."

"Why it's dark, what are we going to do?" He asks.

"Act like humans for once. Stargaze." I suggest.

"See that's why I like you, (y/n), because even when everything sucks you find something beautiful about it. You find the best in things."

"Uh, thanks..." I blush awkwardly. I never really knew how totals compliments, even back then. I mean, I assumed that was a compliment. Whatever.

We continue to walk to the grass area that the group decided to leave alone for reasons like this. We laid down and looked up.

Well, I looked up. Carl on the other hand, not so much. He just kept staring at me. Before I had the chance to talk he asks the first question.

"Do you ever think about the future? You know, whether you'll find someone to be with, whether we'll be safe for sure? "

"Honestly, all the time. It's like I can never stop. I imagine all of these scenarios of what my life would be like in a normal world."

"Tell me." He pleads.

"You tell me yours first. That is if you think about it."

"I imagine that it would be next to perfect. I'd own a nice house back in King County. I would marry someone and have beautiful kids with her. I would visit my mom and dad every week, along with hers since our parents are best friends, obviously." We share a laugh.

"How are you so sure they'd be best friends?" I ask.

"Because they used to be in real life." He answers.

"But your parent's best friend was my da- oh," I realize, "it was my dad, Shane. I'm the girl?"

"Who else would it be?" He grins, "now you."

"I also imagine you in my little fantasy. We would get married in a nice clearing in the woods. It'd be decorated with little lights, white flowers along the rows of seats, our closest family in friends in each seat. My father would walk me down the isle as I look up to see your face smiling like an idiot, as always. I'd see Sofia being my maid of honor and Patrick being your best man, as goofy as he is." I smile but look down, "I know, it's stupid."

"No! No, no, not at all. It sounds perfect. One day it will happen."  He grabs my hand and we lay down and continue to look at the stars.

After about 10 more minutes, we decided it was time to head back inside. Beth was sitting at the table with Judith and called us over.

"Hey guys! I was trying to teach Judith some words. Key word, trying." We laugh.

"We came in to get ready for bed, busy day tomorrow."

"I heard." She says.

"Ugh, I hate my cell, it's so secluded from everyone. Sometimes it's cool but other times not so much." I complain.

"Why don't the three of us sleep in the library together tonight?" Beth suggests.

"That's sounds so cool!" I beam.

"Yeah, I'm in." Carl agrees.

We all gather our stuff and head to the library. We talk for hours but eventually fall asleep. Tonight I felt like a normal person. Stargazing, sleepovers. There is still good in the world.

BIG NEWS! I'm meeting Chandler at Walker Stalker Con NY/NJ!!!!!! If any of you want him to see anything, I will be putting a scrapbook together with things from you guys. Just dm me on my Instagram account which you can find below! I hope many of you send me things because I think he'll love it! It can be things like drawings, picture edits, etc. Have fun with it! NOTHING OFFENSIVE!!!

I changed my vine and Instagram usernames!

Vine: The Walking Wolf Diaries

Instagram: the.walking.wolf.diaries

Anyway, season six is bomb af. Idk what you guys think. I forgot to update on the premier date. Whoops. ^_^ 

Btw that wedding scene was what I picture my wedding to be like, sorry lol

End of Imagine Question:

What do you see for your future?

^i know I'm deep with my questions lol


I want to focus on my career which is to become a criminalist or basketball player. I plan on going to a good college that offer great programs for both of the things I want to do. After college, get a good job and move from there. I don't really focus on relationships as much as the average girl would, so it doesn't make it into my plan. Whoops.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now