Interview - Brooklyn

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Unopened boxes are scattered around my small one bedroom apartment. I hurry past them worried of being late for my first job interview. I have been preparing myself for this day since I moved to New York. After grabbing a piece of toast, I take myself to the subway.
New York is a very large city packed with people walking faster than they can think. Not stopping for anyone or anything. They know where they are going, and they go as fast as they can. I have the location mapped out on my iPhone, but I still get turned around a few times. After finding where I'm suppose to be, I hold onto the railing in the subway gripping it as we move. Looking around I see people with various ethics being in their own little world. Giving me time to think of how not everyone has predictable lives, and we don't know where everyone is going after this ride.
The doors slide open and I follow the crowd of people. Looking from my phone to where I'm walking I make it to the law firm building after running into a few people and getting my turns mixed up again. I steady my breathing, and push myself past the golden rotating doors. The walls are creamed colored with golden frames hanging from the walls. Two purple couches are placed in the center of the room pushed against the long 2 walls. Two brown wooden side tables are placed next to each couch with a golden and purple lamp and magazines fanning across the table perfectly even.
I go up to the marble desk where an older lady is sitting at. The lady looks up at me with her green eyes blocked by small brown glasses. She appears to be in her 50s with her gray hair painted across the short curls.
"Name and reason you are here?" she questions with a light smooth voice.
I say the lines I have practiced in my head repeatedly.
"Brooklyn Day. I'm here for an interview"
"Oh yes, Mr. Carter will see you in a bit. Please take a seat."
She goes back to typing on her computer not paying anymore attention to me. I move my feet to the couch sitting on the purple piece of furniture. Smoothing down my small black skirt I watch the wrinkles go away as I tap my foot nervously. My black half inch heels tap on the white floor.
"Brooklyn Day?"
I look up as my name is called. The lady at the desk is standing up with her glasses now on top of her head looking straight at me.
"Mr. Carter is ready to see you now."
I  go to the door that is open for me and walk down the long hallway. There is a small bench similar to a piano bench outside of a door with the words Carter written on the door with thin black letters. I tap on the door with my fist watching it open slowly.
A tall man with broad shoulders appeared from behind the door.
"Hello, my name is Mr. Carter. You're here for the interview. Take a seat."
He goes to his desk and I look over him while taking a seat in front of the polished desk.
"Hello I'm Brooklyn Day."
His head dips down looking through the file folder he is holding in his larger calloused hands. The muscles underneath his suit flex slightly as he flips through the pages. His silence gives me time to take in his features.
His head is full with dark brown light curly hair. His shoulders and arms are well defined, he has some facial hair and you can tell he is stressed by the small bags by his eyes. His fingers close the thin paper folder and sets it on the desk gently.
"So Miss. Day. Why did you come in for this interview."
My nerves come to me and I'm not sure what to say exactly. I don't want to mumble something incoherently by sounding stupid.
"To be able to learn more responsibility and to have the chance working alongside high profile people. It would be a very good experience."
"Is there a chance you would quit or cause trouble?"
I furrow my brows at the question confused of what he means by this.
"No there is no chance for that to happen."
Mr. Carter looks back down at the files then back at my fidgeting body.
"You're hired."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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