Lost and Screwed.

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Bellamy's lungs burned, heart pounding as he ran. Swiftly, he dodged logs and branches, clutching a spear in his right hand. Blood trickled from his face, a strong taste of iron dancing across his tongue as he panted. He jumped down into a trench and stopped for a moment, to listen.

"Bellamy?" Monroe said from behind him. Bellamy turned, spear at the ready but stopped when he saw familiar faces.

"Get down!" He commanded. "Quiet." He said even though no one was talking. They stopped and looked over the log they were hiding behind. When Bellamy was sure there was no one behind them he turned, "Have you seen Finn?" He asked.

"Finn's alive?" Sterling asked, shocked that even Bellamy was alive.

"He was." Bellamy said solemnly, everyone was. "We got separated, we knew the fire was coming so we ran. But one of them followed." He said, looking over his shoulder, ignoring the fact his body was basically begging for a break. Bellamy looked at the skeptically, and asked how they got away. Sterling explained how they saw the ark come down - Or at least he tried before they heard indistinct chatter in the distance.

"Follow me. Stay low and Quiet." He said before standing up and taking off. The two looked at each other, a little less scared than before they ran into Bellamy. The three of them moving cautiously through the trees, following the sounds.

They spotted a grounder on a horse just at the bottom of a small hill. Two boys were tied behind, tiredly dragging their feet along the forest floor, one of them was Finn. The other boy fell and when he didn't get up, the grounder got off his horse and slit his throat. Bellamy's chest tightened as the boy's lifeless body hit the ground with a thud. Finn fell to his knees as Monroe looked away a few seconds too late.

The grounder gave Finn water, needing only one of the two alive. Bellamy followed as they kept going through the forest.

They stopped, panting. Monroe shook with fear as Bellamy gave them a quick pep talk, more importantly a plan. Bellamy counted down, Monroe shook her head silently, frozen and guilty, then Bellamy charged the grounder, gaining his attention. He stopped when he realized he was alone and also screwed. The grounder turned, and on the horse charged Bellamy. Finn flew forward, eating dirt as the horse dragged him behind. Bellamy threw his spear, nothing compared to a gun because the grounder could dodge a spear, something he's probably done a thousand times, for fun.

The grounder hollered and knocked Bellamy right on his ass. He got off and kicked him right in the stomach. The grounder lifted him up by the shirt and punched and punched and punched.

Monroe and Sterling watched as the grounder Forced Bellamy to his feet and tied him next to Finn. Monroe shook her head.

"We are warriors." She repeated. Sterling nodded. They ran at the grounder and just as they were about to make contact, two shots hit the grounder. One in the head and one in the heart. The group of four stood in shock as Kane and other guards emerged from the trees.

And as they were reassured that it was going to be okay, the pit in Bellamy's stomach only got deeper. Well that and the fact that he was moving a lot and probably cracked his ribs. When they were sure it was safe, a whistle was heard and a group of arkers emerged from the same bushel of trees.

Finn helped Bellamy stand, but standing wasn't the problem, breathing was. Abby went over to Bellamy but he just said he was fine, although his heart stung just a bit with familiarity.

"Where's Clarke?" She breathed. "Is she okay?"

Finn nodded. "Last time we saw her, we'll take you to her."

"Yeah she's probably with-" Bellamy stopped.


He heard yells in the distance behind him, he turned and realized he was running. He was no longer in pain, just dull. He had to get to her. He had to make sure she was okay. He started running faster and faster as he thought of her, her face, her touch, her kiss and how sick she looked the last time he saw her. He had to see her.

Abby walked into camp, amazed and disturbed. Kane had to keep cool but even she could tell he was shocked. Abby was most disturbed by Finn as his eyes scanned the bodies of his friends, there had to have been dozens of familiar faces and yet, his eyes never changed, in fact he never even flinched.

She felt nauseated as she walked through the battlefield, blood and body parts scattered the ground, none of them over 18. They really did send them to the earth to die. However, it was only to the opening in the wall where she was visibly distraught. The colors of the earth stopped outside the wall. On the inside, charred remains covered the floor.

Bellamy was in the middle of what used to be the camp, on his knees, too sad and angry to move.

"Where is everyone?" Finn said to himself. He went in and stood behind Bellamy, he put and hand on his shoulder and squeezed. When Kane brought out Murphy, it was like something in Bellamy clicked.

Bellamy jumped at Murphy with so much rage he could've killed him. Finn probably would have let him too, if it wasn't for Kane.

"You don't understand-" Finn tired to explain but Kane wouldn't listen, he just told Finn that there were rules.

"You are not in control anymore."

Yep, they were screwed.

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