Chapter One

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I have decided to write this because I see so many stories with a boy abusing a girl, but that's only one side of it, yes the percentage of women being abused is much higher than men's (around 85%), but men can be victims too. Around 15% of victims of abuse are men, and I wanted to show that even though women are abused more often, they aren't the only gender that can be abused by their partner.

Louis opened his eyes and groaned as he moved his arm; Eleanor had pushed him down very roughly the night before. He slowly got out of bed, trying not to aggravate his multiple wounds. Once he was out of bed, he looked into the mirror; he was a mess. He had dark circles under his eyes from the countless number of nights that he had spent awake being hurt and yelled at by his girlfriend; his body was splashed with reds, yellows, purples, and blues, from the blood, punches, kicks, and slaps he had gotten from Eleanor.

He gently reached into his drawer and pulled out some clothes, then took a shower, being as careful as he could. As the once clear water ran down his back, he noticed that by the time it hit the shower floor, it was tinged red. He looked away from it; it was his own fault that the water was like that, he had been the one who had forgotten to forget to wash the clothes the day before. He walked out of the shower with a look of disgust marring his once truly joyful features, he couldn't believe, even a day later, that he had forgotten to do something as important as washing the clothes; he had known that Eleanor had needed some of the clothes that had been in the pile of clothes needing to be washed, but, the day before, he was to busy trying to figure out how he would cover the gigantic bruise on the side of his face, something that concealer would easily cover, but he had, once again, been too stupid to realize.

He got dressed in blue sweatshirt and red skinny jeans, even though it was around 90°f (32.2°c) outside, but he couldn't let anyone see his bruises; it would just show them all that he was getting what he deserved, but he didn't want or need them to know that.

He walked out of his room, only to find Eleanor standing there with a scowl on her face. Louis instantly knew what he did wrong; she got up before him, and he was always supposed to have breakfast ready for her by the time she got up. He flinched back a bit as she walked towards him, knowing what was going to happen; Louis didn't flinch much, a skill he knew he had to have, considering how many people he had to be around every day.. When she was right in front of the shorter brown haired boy, she punched him hard in the stomach, adding another injury to the ever growing list. The only reason why Eleanor was taller than him was because she was wearing heels; a style that she knew he hated, but she loved because it made him feel more intimidated and it hurt Louis more when she kicked him.

He bent at the waist, his hands holding his stomach, but that didn't stop Eleanor's terror; all it did was frustrate her more. She hit him harder, slapping, punching, and eventually kicking him when he fell over. He wanted to fight back, but that would be wrong; a boy shouldn't hit a girl, at least that's what his mother and four sisters, the ones in his immediate family, had always told him, and he also loved her, he couldn't hurt someone he loved. So, he just lay there on the ground, taking what was coming to him; he deserved it, after all, he knew what he did.

When she was finally finished, she cast him one last look of disgust and walked out the door, not saying a word. Louis stayed where he was for a moment, it wasn't that he couldn't move, it was that he didn't want to. He wanted to lay there all day, not sing at the concert, and just fall asleep forever. He knew he couldn't though, so after about five minutes of not moving, he got up and walked out the door of the house, after making sure all his bruises were covered, and he had his makeup applied.

He walked out of the hotel, into the blistering weather. He was waiting for the boys to pick him up since he didn't have a car. After a few minutes of waiting, he saw the red car driving up to the street. It stopped right in front of him and got into the back. As he got into the car, climbing over Zayn, who was sitting on the side that he got in. The younger boy looked at him in shock.

"Lou... Why are you wearing a sweatshirt?" the dark haired boy asked in shock, "It's a million degrees out there!" Louis looked down; he didn't like what the other boy had said, it made him feel like more of a freak.

"I-I was just... I was j-just a bit c-cold..." Louis, who was often called Lou, stuttered out.

The other boy looked at him oddly, as though he didn't believe what Louis had said. When they got to a stoplight, Zayn tapped Harry, who was driving, on the back. Harry turned around and when he saw Louis, his expression mirrored Zayn's. Harry called the other boys attention to Louis, and suddenly the shorter boy had four pairs of eyes on him.

"Lou..." Harry said, "Why are you wearing that?" Louis didn't know what to say, he knew no one would believe his original lie, but before he knew what was happening, Harry had pulled the car off to the side and Niall was rolling the sleeves of his sweatshirt up.

Louis knew what they expected to find; self-harm, but why would Louis cause more destruction to his already broken body? When his sleeves were rolled all the way up, the other boys looked at him with terror shining in their eyes. Harry had tears pooling in his eyes, while all the other boys were sitting there frozen.

The other boys had seen his bruises. The bruises in the shape of small hands; hands the same size as Eleanor's.

I know that Zayn isn't in the band anymore, but this take place when he still was. I have no clue about my update schedule, but I will update whenever I have a chapter over a thousand words, though that might be a bit hard considering that I'm still in school and homework does, in fact, exist. Larry will happen, but later in the story, and there might be smut, but if there is it most likely will not go into much detail.

Edited: 12/31/15

What No One Sees   {Larry Stylinson}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz