I repeatedly shook my head. “No. I would not kill my own baby.’’

She nodded as she grasped my fingers in hers. “I know, I know. But you are too young. And it’s too dangerous to be pregnant when you are around Harry. He could kill the baby.’’

A smile made its way to my lips as I thought of a solution. “That’s why I wanted to take your offer. If it’s still open.’’

Her gray eyes sparked as she squeezed my hand. “Really? Of course it is! It always was! You’re flying with me to San Diego!’’ I nodded with another warm smile. “I’m so glad you finally I agreed!’’

I ran my hands around my belly as the smile slowly leave my face. “I’ll do it for my baby. I can’t forgive myself if something happened to him/her because of Harry.’’

She engulfed me into another tight hug, careful not to squeeze me too much. “Thank you, Allison.’’

I hugged her back. “No, Lilly. Thank you.’’


It was almost afternoon when we reached the flat. Lilly looked at me, before scanning the outside of the flat. Her gray eyes were full of fear, fear of Harry discovering that I am leaving.

“Are you sure he’s not yet home?’’ She inquired her eyes shifting back to the lifeless flat. A chuckle escaped my dry lips as I steadied her.

“Relax.’’ I reassured her. “He comes home at night. It’s only noon.’’

She nodded as her eyes got serious, piercing my brown ones. “Just take everything that you need. Hurry. I’ll be outside of my flat, waiting for you.’’ She informed as she looked at me straight in the eyes. “We’ll sleep at a hotel close to the airport tonight and we’ll fly tomorrow, okay?’’

I nodded. “Okay.’’ I waved at her before walking back to the flat that I hate the most. She gave me a worried look before stopping a cab and riding in. When she was gone, I quietly made my way inside the flat.

The absence of Harry’s black car assured me that he still wasn’t home. I reached for the key and twisted the lock. The door opened and soon I was inside. The familiar flat  welcomed me, but I was glad I will finally be away from here after almost a year of being tortured. If it wasn’t for the baby, I wouldn’t have the courage to leave. A smile appeared on my lips as my hands traced my belly where my unborn child is. I am going to be a mother. I might be too young, but I am going to love my baby and treat him/her right in every way.

I pushed my thoughts away as I ascended the stairs to my room. I opened the door and immediately searched for a bag where I can store few things that I needed. I found a black duffel bag and started to shove everything I need inside. To my horror, I heard the door creaking open downstairs. The sound being made downstairs told me that Harry was home.

I quietly panicked as I slipped the last of my things on the bag. Hearing his deep voice call for me made me shiver. “Allison?’’

When I didn’t respond to him, his voice got a little louder as I heard his footsteps ascending the stairs. Oh god, he’s close. “Allison!’’

I zipped the bag and was about to leave the room when the doorknob to my room twisted. The door opened revealing Harry, looking really angry, his dark eyes visible in the faint lights of the room.

“Why the hell are you not responding?! I have been calling you-’’ He was cut off when his dark forest green eyes landed on the duffel bag that I was carrying. His figure blocked the doorway, obstructing me from leaving. “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?!’

“I’m leaving. I can’t do this anymore.’’ I told him firmly, my face expressionless. He was taken aback at first, but he took a step forward me, making me took another step backward.

“No, you’re not!’’ He growled, his fist clenching. “I won’t let you. YOU’RE MINE!’’ With that he began to pin me on the wall making me drop the duffel bag on the floor with a thud. His grasp on my hands were hard, but my determination to leave this place made me stronger.

Without second thinking, I kneed him on the crotch, making him fell to the floor in pain. I took this opportunity to run, not bothering to get my duffel bag on the floor anymore. I only wanted to leave this place, and I don’t care if I had brought nothing with me. It was only seconds later before he recovered and I can hear his heavy footsteps behind me.

“Allison!’’ He shouted as he ran after me. I know I wouldn’t stand a chance, my legs compared to his longer ones, but my adrenaline rush was helping me win. I picked up a faster pace as I ran out of the flat, his footsteps closely behind.

My bare feet landed on the cold cement of the streets. I can feel that he was getting closer and if I stopped, he would catch me and drag me back to the flat. I wouldn't let that. I wouldn't let him make my life a living hell anymore.  The adrenaline was leaving my body as I ran, ignoring the honking cars, just determined to lose him. A deafening sound stopped as a strong impact hit my body, making me roll to the ground. My eyes blurred as I heard a car door open, and people gather around me.

“ALLISON!’’ Harry’s ear piercing scream was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


Sorry guys if this is not what you all expected to happen... But I still hope you all like this chapter!

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I love you all and mwah, mwah! Pls. read my other stories!

50 votes for the next! Hugs and kisses! xx

Love Bela :)

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