Light pacts with the devil

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A long time. Those three words were always figurative when you are immortal. It had barely been a year since we had summoned Asmodeus and he was already saying it had been a long time.
"What do you wish with my summoning" he said, mocking a bow, we knew perfectly that no matter how many times we bonded him to Magnus's wishes, we would never get him to do anything we wanted without an exchange.
"We want information" I stated, trying to keep my voice firm. Yet, I was shaking inside.
"That is much more simpler that the last thing you asked me to do" Asmodeus stroke his chin, as if pretending that he was thinking.
"It is, the information we want is, who is the one who stopped the runes from working?" I asked. Asmodeus smiled. It was a grin that chilled me to the bone. It was the same smile that a wolf would give to a lamb before he killed it.
"That is an easy question. The death of Lillith triggered a reaction, Lilith's former lover perceived her dissolving into the void. It triggered him, when she scattered into the void, it spread through out. It produced enough demonic energy to reform a solid form for Samael" Abbbadon smilied. I felt the world collapse on me. We all knew who Samael was. Samael was a fallen angel, one of the powerful ones. He was the father of all demons, along with Lillith as the mother. He was brought down by Micheal, with Glorius. If he fought, no one would have a chance. I looked at Alec and saw by his face that he was thinking about the same thing. Magnus's horrified yet firm voice said
"How do we know that you are telling the truth about this?" Abbbadon shrugged
"You don't" he said flatly"Yet, most of us tend to tell the truth, if we don't, it could be bad for the business" he grinned. I gritted my teeth. This demon was arrogant, cocky and irritatingly powerful. I couldn't kill him, not even watching with Heavenly Fire.
"Is there a way of defeating Samael?" I asked. Praying for the answer to be yes. Unfortunately it was a big flat no. We have to warn the Clave, before it's to late. Apparently Magnus thought the same thing because he nodded and Asmodeus disappeared as quick as they appeared. Alec looked at me worriedly
"We should talk to the clave, consul and Inquisitor" he said. I nodded.
"You go, they won't belive, they just trialed me and they won't believe me, and I won't hold the a Mortal Sword" I shuddered at the though of holding the sword again. Alec turned to the wall and drew a portal. He nodded at me and the crossed the portal. It rippled and vanished.
"Now what?" I asked Magnus. Just as we were answered some officers ran into the clearing. I had forgotten about the police. They probably had recorded the whole conversation. Magnus looked at me and I nodded.
"Leave it to me Magnus" I said. He nodded and grabbed the motorcycle that Alec had left.
"Stop!" An officer called out, but Magnus ignored him. He gunned the engine, did a 360. The officers had to back to avoid getting hit. He sped towards his home at Brooklyn. I didn't even look at the officers, I just held my hands in front of me and they didn't even pretend to be nice, the snapped the handcuffs around my wrists and yanked me towards the police car, switching on the lights and sound. I sat down, with a police officer next to me. I stared into space. Flashbacking to when I was with Clary. By the Angel I cussed a at myself. You have to stop thinking about her Jace I thought. The policeofficer kept his eyes trained on me, as if I were going to spring up and bash his head into the car's window. Actually, now that I think of it, it's a good idea I thought to myself. Nah, what's the worse thing that can happen to you in a mundane prison. When we got to the pólice station aka, jail, they pulled me along, like I was a dog. I yanked myself of his grasp and spat at him
"I can walk by myself ya know?" the officer just looked at me and grabbed me again
"Sorry can't do" He said, giving me a glance that was only meant for kids who thought they were tough. I gritted my teeth, I wouldn't give the impresión of being weak, I refused to do so. Instead of allowing myself to be pulled along I slammed my shoulder against his, he stumbled, I slamed my head into his. He gasped, cries of alarm went out, policeofficers readying their guns. Before they could do anything I grabbed the policeofficer and put him infront of him. Everybody froze. I palpated his pockets and bingo, his keys. I unlocked my cuffs and grabbed his gun, pulling him along, away from the compound. Officers edged forward
"move, and a bullet goes straight through his head" I called out. They froze again and I smirked. They did resemble to us in a way, never abandoning their brothers in battle. I almost laughed, they didn't know that the runes stopped any type of energy and fire weapons from working. As I stirred myself backwards, away from the camp, I felt a presence behind me. I whirled around, holding the cop in front of me. I did not like what I saw. Some kids from the school stood there, holding a girl in their arms. She was passed out. Muttering incoherent things. I let go of the cop, letting him drop to the ground. I sped walk to the kids and put a gun to his head. Gasps of shock where sent through the kids and cops.
"Who do you value more? Me or some kids life?" I asked. Putting on my killer mask. They gulped and put down their guns. I grabbed the kid by the neck and whispered
"Don't worry, I just need to get out of here" he nodded. Relief flooding into his eyes as he realized I wasn't going to touch even the slightest of his hair. I led them into the road. We slipped into the woods.
"Ok, what happened? Why did you come to me?" I asked, giving them my back. One of the girls whispered at me
"We don't know what happened to her, but it's like something hit her from behind" she knelt and uncovered her stomach.

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