OMG! They are going out! I'm so happy.

I run into the lounge and jump on Lucas's back, "You guys go out that's so cute." I say and Lucas breaths out a sigh if relief.

Jacob was bright red because I had caught them kissing but I smile at him, "You guys should have just told me. I'm so happy for you guys."

"Becky, you are extremely light have you been eating?" Lucas asks, changing the subject.

"Yes I have, now stop changing the subject." I answer.

Lucas stands up with me on his back before sliding me round to the front of him so he was holding me bridal style.

"No, you're too light." He says with a frown.

"No I'm not, leave it alone." I reply and his frown deepens.

"Jacob, stand up and hold her." Lucas demands and Jacob stands up.

"I'm not very strong, I don't wanna drop her." Jacob says as he reluctantly holds out his arms.

"She's light as shit, you won't drop her." Lucas says before putting me in Jacob's arms.

Jacob holds me easily and frowns, "What the hell?"

"Ugh, leave me alone." I say before jumping out of his arms.

"Maybe we should take you to the doctor." Lucas says but I shake my head.

"I promise you, I'm fine." I say.

Alex walks into the room and Lucas and Jacob jump.

"Who the hell are you and where did you come from?" Lucas asks as Jacob hides behind him.

"Hi, I'm Alexander or Alex for short, it's lovely to meet you." Alex says as he wraps an arm around me shoulders.

"Becky, you have some explaining to do." Lucas states and I giggle.

"Alex is a friend of mine, he's too old to be my boyfriend or anything." I say and Lucas relaxes slightly.

Alex picks me up bridal style and I frown, "What is with you people and picking me up?" I ask and Alex chuckles.

"You are completely fine weight wise. Don't worry about her, boys, she's fine I assure you." Alex says before putting me down again.

"If you say so." Lucas says and Alex nods.

Jacob steps out from behind Lucas and goes to take a step forward but Lucas grabs his waist, bringing him to his chest. Jacob sighs but doesn't protest.

"Alex, this is Jacob and Lucas." I introduce and he nods.

"I know but nice to be formally introduced nonetheless." He answers and I giggle at Lucas' and Jacob's confused faces.

"Well, I must be on my way but it was nice seeing all of you." Alex says before taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

"They're mates so make sure they stay together." Alex says and I nod.

"Humans finding their mates is really rare, ay?" I ask and he nods. He then kisses my cheek before disappearing.

Liam appears in front of me with a smirk, "I thought the old fart would never leave."

Liam is Alex's son and they have a playful banter between them, it's rather amusing. Alex and Liam look the same except Alex looks older. They both have black hair, purple eyes, pale skin and are well built. Alex is 6'6 in height while Liam is 6'5 in height.

"Hello Liam, how long have you been here?" I ask as I get the pop corn out and put it in two big bowls.

"The whole time. I'm always around." He answers, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

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