Chapter Seven

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[ Author's note: This is still in the mystery person's perspective. The identity will be revealed soon. Thanks for reading. ]

He found out too late, though. Checkmate.

He just stood outside, standing in the rain. Inhaling slowly. Exhaling deeply. He knew I was watching him. We met eyes. You know, they say you can never tell if someone is crying in the rain, but Edward was different. His tears were visible and the rain was no match for his pain. He finally walked inside and I shortly after, followed. "Edward, why were you just standing out there?" I say from the doorway as he walks into the kitchen. "She loves him. I can tell." He says quietly. "Do you love her?" I ask. "Of course I do. But Harry always gets the girl. Kaily doesn't know that he'll get the girl and just throw her away. She doesn't know that I can love her more than Harry ever will be able to! Why can't she see it?" His practically shouted. "I'm sorry..." Was all I managed to get out. "He's always been the winner. I've always been Harry's shadow. Oh who is that? Just Harry's brother. I've never been Edward. I've always been Harry's brother. And I'm sick of it." His eyes were red and his knuckles were white. I've never seen him so angry. "But you wanted to be the bad guy." I reply. He smiles softly and breaths lightly. "You're right. I no longer work for you." He takes his ear piece out and throws it at the counter. "What? You can't do that!" I shout back. "Baby, I'm just being the bad guy." 

I quickly call Harry and tell him that Edward is off the case. My mind races. This wasn't supposed to happen. No. It wasn't. I rush over to Harry's apartment and let myself in. "Edward is after you." I say bluntly. "What?" "He's no longer following the assignment. Harry, he's going to kill you." I say worriedly. Harry just laughs and brushes me off. "He won't. He's too wimpy." Harry smirks and sits down. "He might hurt Kaily." I say again. His eyes widen at the sound of her name.  Leaning forward he says, "Well. She just broke up with me so...she's no longer my problem." He says smugly. "Go get her. You have to keep her safe." He confusedly gets up and leans against the counter. "I have to stop by 17 Black first. I have to take care of something." I shake my head no. "I'll do it for you. Just go." I say while getting up. "Harry...just remember-" "Keep her safe. I got it. Not my first time. She's wrapped around my finger. She's not going anywhere." He says confidently before opening his door. "Just be carefuly. okay? I'm going to try and find Edward. I think he someone is going to get hurt." "You worry too much." Harry smiles and begins closing the door. "One more thing," I say. "Anything." "Just don't let Edward get to you." He smiles again and inhales lightly, exhaling deeply. "What? Why are you so worried? He won't hurt a fly. It's not like Edward is going to kidnap me." 


Everything was going against the plan. I've lost control. Edward has Harry somewhere locked away. I saw the accident. I was watching. I stopped counting how many times Harry's car flipped over after it got to 7. Everything is changing. Everything. It's all out of my hands now. The queen's fate is now in Edward's hands. And she doesn't even know. I sit on my couch staring off into the distance, not knowing what to do. "Is something wrong?" Kaily's voice breaks the silence, snapping me out of that nothingness. "Harry was in an accident." I say boldly. "What?! Is he okay?!" Her eyes widen as she frantically searches for her keys. "You won't find him." I say silently. "What? What are you talking about?" "He...he...the..accident...his car..." I couldn't finish any of my sentences. "Where is he?! Don't you know anything?! God, you're useless!" Kaily screams at me. "God, where the fuck are my keys..." She mumbles under her breath. My hands are shaking and twars are forming in my eyes. "Harry is gone." I finally say. She looks at me confusedly and stops in her tracks. "What do you mean 'gone?'" I inhale lightly and exhale deeply. "No body was found at the site. No one knows where he is." I say quickly. She swallows deep and parts her lips. "Tell me where he is." I shake my head no in response. "Arielle, tell me now." 

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