Caitlin's Diary

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Dear Diary , Or however Piece of scrap notebook paper .

It's me Caitlin . Ugh , My day has been a wreck ! So much for my perfect first day of school . My hair was a frizz mess , and my lunch had a fake work in it . DON'T ASK!

My brother and his pranks ! When will he ever stop . I get so mad at him sometimes . He does it on purpose , Embarrass me .

Sometimes I wish he'd not be so immature and actually be nice to me . I'm tired of being the target of all of his pranks .  My first day of school , had been ruined cause of him .

I gotta go , and clean spoiled milk off of my shoes . Again , Don't Ask

Love Caitlin <3

Caitlin sat down at the dinner table , awaiting for her mother to come in with a plate of green beans . Like Clockwork , Mrs.Taylor came in the Green Beans . She placed them in the middle of the table and took the seat next to Caitlin .

" Alright , so , how was your first day of highschool " She had so much enthusiasm in her voice. She expected both of them to go on and on about how amazing their first day of school was.

" boring " Carter moaned

" Awful " Caitlin cried.

Their parents exchanged worried glances . " What happened this time " Their dad said in an annoyed voice . He already knew the answer , and no matter how much he didn't want to hear it again he had to .

" first off " Caitlin stood up from the table. " He broke my straightener this morning . I had to go through the whole day with frizzy hair " . Carter strung a green bean at her .

" She's super annoying ! " Carter exclaimed . " She kept waving at me and saying hi to me in the halls ".

" He put a fake worm in my sandwich " Caitlin said.

" she bit off my fake worm's head " Carter shouted . Their complaints were overlapping each other .

" He spilt spoiled Milk on My shoes ! ".

" She never shuts Up ! "

 " He's Always doing this to me ".

" Why can't you just grow up! " The two screamed at each other .

Mr.Taylor had left the table to take an aspirin . Mrs.Taylor shook her head

" Enough , you two " She ordered . Her children sat back down in their seats . " Look , one day you two will be all each other has . Siblings are to be there for each other . Now  start trying to get along with Each other ! "

Dear Diary ,

It's me again . I placed the scrap of notebook paper inside you , so thats also in there .  My mom thinks me and Carter should start getting along . I'm trying but he , It's like he never wants to get along .  Why couldn't he be sweet and reliable . Does anyone have a brother like that . I want to Trade !

Don't Ask !Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat