Chapter Two: The New Town

Start from the beginning

"Enzo, go home. I'm just going to assume you're drunk or something." She said, making her way back to her bed. Something stopped her. A small piece of paper had slid onto the middle of the floor, ways away from the door. Narrowing her eyes, she bent down and picked it up.

Congratulations. You've been selected to participate in the Tourney. Bring your best Amiibo Wednesday the 25th at 9:00 am sharp in the Plaza. You must show up.

It was a ticket, and that is what it read. Myra puzzled over it for well over ten minutes, flipping it over and over in her hands to decipher who put it there and where this Plaza is. And why did it seem so demanding of her to show? What would happen if you don't?

"See? I got one too." Enzo held up the thing in his hand from earlier, which was an identical rectangular ticket. He then proceeded to pull his Samus out of his pocket. "I don't want to find out what happens if you don't show up, so I'm going to go." He stated.

Myra shook her head, as if to clear thoughts. "Wait, so where exactly do we have to go?" She uttered, crumpling up the ticket and shoving it in her pocket.

"I did some exploring, I know the way to the Plaza." Enzo explained.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"The Plaza, it's not to far from here."

"There is nothing called the Plaza for miles around this place!" Myra argued.

Enzo looked exasperated, like he was convincing a two year old to eat their vegetables. "Just look outside." He said.

Finally giving in, Myra wandered to her window. She climbed onto the bench in front of it in order to look out. What she saw nearly caused her to fall backwards.

People, everywhere. Dark brick roads illuminated by old-y streetlamps, and surrounded by small houses. Following the road, one would come upon a large circular clearing dotted with the fluffy snow of November. There were stands, where merchants begun selling their goods in the early morning.

Myra had to blink a couple of times, making sure she wasn't seeing things in the moonlit morning. She whipped her head around to face Enzo, with a slight apologetic look. I never should have doubted him. Myra told herself.

Without another word, she went to the desk. The room she was in was an exact replica of the one she had back in... well, earth, she guessed. A calendar lay open on the surface. Quickly Myra ran her finger through the dates to today, Wednesday November the 25th.

She looked up to meet Enzo's gaze once more. "We better get going." Myra nearly tripped as she went to grab her Amiibo off the nightstand, and approached the door.

"In your pajamas?" Enzo reminded her sarcastically.

"Get out, I'll be right there." With no hesitation, Myra ran into her closet and picked out the first clothes she found: a plain pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt with the Smash Bros. logo. Throwing them on quickly, she rushed into her room, grabbed the Link Amiibo, and joined Enzo outside her door.

The two found themselves in a long hallway, almost like in a hotel. It was lit with a warm glow from lamps dotting the wall. The carpet at their feet was slightly stiff and uncomfortable, but none of them really cared.

"Come on, this way." Enzo led his friend down the hall to a small room with an elevator at the back. Immediately to their right was a hook with two winter coats, their hoods lined with fur; a pair of mitts, with a snow-proof shell; and a pair of boots with the same fur lining the opening. A small note was pinned to the wall.

You two'll need these. ~Barley

Myra took the note in her hand. The writing was elegant and smooth, done in ink. She hastily pinned it back up and tore the dark green jacket from the hook. Enzo did the same, but with the red one beside it.

Surprisingly, the jacket fit her perfectly. It was cozy, and Myra felt she would overheat in a matter of seconds. So before that could happen she pulled on the boots and mitts. Each article fit snugly, and made Myra feel strangely fashionable. There was a small pocket at the chest of the coats. Instinctively, Myra placed her Amiibo inside.

Enzo had done the same with his figure, and nodded at Myra. The two approached the elevator, and hit the button to go down. With no delay, the doors glided open and they stepped inside.

The elevator had two buttons: Main floor, and Rooms. Considering there were rooms on the floor they were currently on, Enzo hit Main floor. The elevator jerked violently as it began it's descent.


Vrrrr... The doors in front of Myra parted, revealing another hallway. There was nothing much aside from a tiny desk on the left, and a glass door straight ahead. Without thinking, Myra started towards it, Enzo at her side.

Ever since waking up in the morning to Enzo at her window, Myra didn't really consider or think about what was going on. Where was she, how did she get here, and how come it happened the day after getting her Amiibo? What was this Tourney?

It was a trait Myra had, accepting things for what they are and never really questioning it. She did that now, as the mysteries in her head slowly dissolved.

Enzo held the door open as Myra stepped into the chilly outdoors. Immediately she was glad for the winter-wear this strange 'Barley' gave them. Snow fell softly around them, spiraling through the air like dancers on a stage. Myra looked up at the grey clouds as they were illuminated by the very sun they concealed from her view.

"This place is like a Christmas town." Enzo said, walking a little ahead. Myra followed him.

The friends wandered down the brick path, waving shyly as any other human they met greeted them. It's like no-one knew that they'd never been here in their entire life, and had no idea where they were.

Finally, Enzo came to a stop. Myra looked around the clearing, surrounded by two large buildings that curled around it. Directly in front of them was a booth, with a long-haired girl behind it. Her blonde hair fell across the white scarf curled around her neck, and when she looked hard enough, Myra could spot a Pikachu Amiibo tucked into a pocket identical to Myra's on her gold jacket.

The girl looked up as Myra and Enzo approached. "Hello!" She greeted. Myra swallowed and shakily nodded greeting.


"How can I help you?"

Enzo stepped forward, unfolding his ticket and showing it to her. "We'd like to enter the Tourney."

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