Chapter Five// The Real Me

Start from the beginning

Accepting his offer, I nod and join him on the bed, his body radiating a warm circulation of air around him, inviting to sit next to. His arm slips around my waist to retrieve the controller by my side. With the contact of his skin on mine, a flutter erupts in my stomach. He moves his arm and the sensation fades, only to be replaced with another as he places his hand gently on mine.



By the end of the movie, my jaw is sore from laughing so hard! It wasn't a film I had seen before therefore it made me howl with laughter, Nathan cracking up beside me as we splutter and almost choke on our own saliva. But I did learn quite a bit about Nathan whilst we watched the film. Being labelled a 'nerd', he is incredibly intelligent and extremely clever. He told me about how he has won math competitions and has his own published book.

But also, something everyone at my school would be In shock to acknowledge, he is very funny. He joined in with the jokes and made a few of his own. He was amazing company to say the least.

It then came to my attention that I think I may be the only one in our entire school to have been able to hang out with the real Nathan. It's too bad no one else has seen him the way I now do. Everyone's perception would change towards the shy nerdy boy at the back of the classroom they have been underestimating since freshman year.

"One question?" I ask once the movie has finished, swivelling my legs around so they dangled off the bed. We face the window and the sun is shining bright through the leaves in the trees bordering his back garden.

"What up?" Nathan takes out the film then sits next to me and I feel the bed dip a little. I slightly lean into him as I lose balance. His hand steadies me leaving a warm inprint on my skin.

"Why are you so different here to how you are at school?" This question has been revolving around my mind the whole hour and a half the movie has been playing for.

"I'm not that different," he shrugs, looking back at me, his face now blank.

"Well, for starters, you look different." I gesture towards his ripped jeans and V neck shirt, the one that sticks to his abs I still haven't got over. Not to mention he isn't wearing glasses right now.

"Yeah," he laughs and shakes his head a little. "I don't know, I feel as if I can be myself at home but at school it's easier to be someone else. Dress differently, act different."

"But why?" I ask in a low voice, interested in his up coming answer.

"Because that way there is less chance of being rejected for who I really am." His lips press together, his hands join with his eyes on me. I study his brown orbs, the light reflecting off them to make them shine, making him seem even more special.

"You are so right," I say in a quite, delicate voice. "I thought there was more to you. I didn't want to believe you were just a nerd. I'm glad I've got to see more of you," I admit, not knowing where I found the confidence to tell him that.

"Thank you," he nods his head. I feel him lean in closer, or maybe that is just my mind spinning. I don't know what to think right now, whenever my eyes meet his my heart seems to melt inside. "And anyway, who calls me 'just a nerd'?" There is a hint of humour tickling his voice, but I fear it will vanish once knowing my answer.

My gaze diverts to my feet as I tap them on the floor. "My boyfriend."

At those words, Nathan's mouth opens and for a second I thought he stops breathing. "Who, who is your boyfriend?" He coughs, averting his contact with my eyes as he asked his question.

"Josh." I reply. "Josh Crawford. Quarter back on the football team," I clarify in a quiet voice.

"Oh yeah, I've seen him play a few times. He's good." Nathan rolls his thumb over the other, distracting his gaze from mine. But sure enough, he looks back up at me staring right back. 

"You like football?" I ask quizzically.

"Don't sound so surprised," he nudges my arm playfully, a grin spreading across his face.

"Sorry, I just assumed you knew him as you sometimes did his homework. Why do you do that by the way?" I stare up at Nathan to study his eyes, avoiding mine as he trails the rim of the ceiling. "Nathan?" I prompt.

"Sorry. Umm, why do I do his homework? Because I'm afraid of what he will do to me if I don't." He replies simply, smiling at me with flat lips.

"What, you don't think you could take him?" I wrap my hand around his bicep, feeling the muscle of his strong arm. I do it to prove a point that he is strong, and also to have a little feel. And God this kid has guns!

"This is your boyfriend you're encouraging me to beat up here," he chuckles under his breathe.

"So? I think he needs some sense knocked into him." I say, remembering how he provoked the football team at lunch to make fun of Nathan. I still can recall the face of innocence Nathan had bowed from across the lunch room when he had heard his name being thrown. "Promise me you won't let him or anyone else threaten you again. Don't do their homework. Please."

I am fed up with Nathan being used, not only from Josh but the rest of the school too.

"Ok. I'm glad you're sticking up for me," he hugs me from the side, his arm wrapping around my waist as he pulls me against his body. His shirt is soft. So soft my eyes flutter close for a second.

"No problem," I smile, proud to be able to make a difference. I sit back up to look at him again. His eyes shine like jewels.

"Anyway," Nathan retrieves his arm. "I play for an out of school football team. That will be why you didn't think I played. To be honest, not a lot of people know that."

"Why don't you try out for the team at school?" I suggest, eager for him to present the real him to everyone.

"I don't know," his voice doesn't sound rather enthusiastic. But maybe if everyone at school saw Nathan for who he really is, he wouldn't feel the fear of being rejected. Then at least that way he wouldn't be threatened. I'm sure if the football team discovered his true identity, then they would accept him into the team. That will show them for judging him before they knew him properly.

"Oh come on," I try to persuade with the batting of my eye lashes, a sweet smile covering my pink lips. "For me?"

After a few minutes of contemplating the idea as well as a few intakes of breathe, Nathan finally nods in agreement. "Ok." I silently cheer. "Only because you were kind enough to return my phone."

We exchange smiles, the sun light streaming in through the window and casting a shadow on one half of his tanned face. It is like it shows his personality. Most of his face was lit up, bright and colourful which is just like his true self. The other side is dark and shadowed, just like the act he wears for school, the shy and understated nerd he felt protected him. But maybe he needs to break down the walls; embrace the character he really is.

"I'll set it up. I'll speak to Josh about allowing you onto the team. I'm sure there will be a place for you."

"Thank you Paige, I really appreciate what you're trying to do for me."

"No problem," I beam. "Oh, just one more question... Why are you not wearing your glasses now?"

"Contact lenses," he pulls down the skin under his eye, exposing the little circle covering his pupil.

"Oh of course."

A/N Think this is my fav chapter so far 😃

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