"Marcus!" He yells, the ambulance drives off and we don't hear it anymore. "What is it Danny? What happened?"

"He was running, fell down the stairs, Abby found him. They took him to the hospital." He says in between deep breaths.

"Who Danny!" I yell at him starting to panic, please I beg for it to not be him.

"Carter." Thats all we hear before we all immediately run out of there and rush to our cars. We drive to the nearest hospital. When get there, we all run in and ask for his name.

"Carter Mitchell brought in just a minute ago. Please go take a seat and we will let you know if there is any news further." Stefano goes to say something but I pull him back.

We go to sit down. It feels like an eternity of waiting to hear from them. "Isn't anyone gonna say something about that text message?" I ask trying to get our minds on something else.

The glare everyone sends me tells me to shut up. I look down in disappointment of myself. I feel someone pick me up and place me on their lap. "We didn't mean it Alessio, its okay." Luca says while playing with my hair.

"Carter Mitchell?" At his name we all bolt up and run to the doctor. "Is he okay?" Angelo asks, while Stefano takes him into his side. "He took a lot of hits to most of his body and a pretty big hit to his head." He goes on further to explain and when he's finally done explaining, he tells us what room Carters in.

We all run, shoving people out of our way, to Carters room. We enter and what I see breaks my heart. He looks so broken and there's so many bruises. Funny how even after all of that he still looks beautiful.

I go to sit down next to him and take his hand into mine. I rub tiny circles on his hand. "Hey Baby, calm on Carter please open those beautiful eyes. Please it was all just a misunderstanding, I promise. Just please wake up." I cry into his chest.

The rest stand around me and I can see they're trying to hold in they're tears. I've always been the more emotional one.

Colby and Marcus stand on the other side of Carter, Colby is crying into Marcus' chest and Marcus is keeping a straight face but, we all know how he really feels. I know this is also hard for them, they think of Carter as a brother. I understand. We all do.

"What happened?" A groggy voice asks, our heads snap over to Carter and see him wide awake. "Carter! Oh my gosh Carter, I'm so glad you're alright and awake!" Luca cries out and goes to hug Carter but Carter shrinks back into the bed.

"Carter? Carter what you saw earlier was a misunderstanding, please you have to believe us!" He tries to get close again. "I don't know you?" He says while looking at all of us, "I don't know any of you?" My eyes begin to burn feeling rejection even though it's not his fault.

"Carter you remember us right?" Colby asks, Carter nods and gives him a shy smile. Romeo goes out to touch Carter. "No don't touch me!" He yells and moves as far away from us as possible.

"Oh no." Marcus whispers, like something just clicked in his head. "Alex! Where's Alex! Alex!" He calls out for someone, Colby gently pushes him down on the bed. "Carter how old are you?"

"15 why?" My eyes widen and some of us gasp. "Where's Alex, Colby?" He asks looking very scared, its one of the worst thing's I've ever seen. "Alex is gone Carter, she ran away 5 years ago. You're 20 Carter not 15." Colby says slowly.

"Why are you lying to me Colby I'm 15! Alex is not gone! She promised she'd alway be here!" He yells and tears begin to fall. "Where's dad! Where's mom! Becca! Where's Becca!"

"Oh fuck." Marcus says and pulls at his hair. "Who's Alex and Becca?" Stefano asks.

"Alex was his sister....Becca was...his girlfriend." Marcus says, a glare suddenly forms on our faces. I take deep breaths trying to calm myelf down. I see everyone is trying to do the same, except for Romeo.

"He has a girlfriend!" He yells and throws one of the chairs against the wall, he was never one for controlling his anger. "Romeo calm down!" Is what one of us would have said but Carter beat us to it.

We all look over at him but he's standing up, in just a hospital gown. He becomes woozy and Angelo catches him just as he's about to fall. "Don't touch me!" He yells and shoves Angelo's hands off.

"I thought you didn't remember us?" Stefano asks and we all look at him. "I didn't remember until Romeo went all crazy, don't know why just made me remember. Now can you all please just get out." He says and looks out the window.

"Carter-" I go to speak but I'm cut off. "I said get out Alessio!" He yells, I stiffen and those words just ring in my head.

"Get out Alessio, you are no son of mine!"

I still hear her voice, yelling at me, telling me to leave, so I did. I unfortunately left someone very special when I made that choice. My shoulders slump and I walk out with my head hung low. I know I can't really blame Carter for his words but, it still hits me.

"You know he doesn't mean it like that Alessio? It's okay." Luca comforts me and so does the rest. "It's fine I promise guys, thank you." I say giving them all a kiss on the cheek.

We go to the waiting area and just sit there until we fall asleep, last thing I see is Carter.

Now you all know who 'she' is, Alex! Don't forget Becca, trust me ;)

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