Chapter 5

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Talk about an ambush. All of the people she didn't want to see in one place.

As she strode down the stairs to the main floor she was forced to confront them. Seeing Clive wasn't such a big deal, but the sight of Major made the strange sensations in her belly that much worse, as well as the anger she was harboring. It didn't help that she was starving, which was the only reason she had retreated to the morgue in the first place. Ravi's eyes widened as she entered, eager himself to discuss her possible condition. She walked past them all, hurrying to the kitchenette and searching the fridge for her brain-riddled lunch. Ravi pushed the body back into the wall fridge and closed the open door, quickly following behind her, gesturing to the two men to hold their positions while he tailed Liv. They were left in the quiet morgue space eyeing at each other awkwardly, their dislike of each other evident in the silence.

Ravi pushed the fridge door closed forcefully as Liv stood to face him, a container of police officer brains and noodles in her hand. She was reaching for a fork and the hot sauce when Ravi seized it from her hands, holding it hostage. "What the hell Liv. Where have you been?"

She grumbled, reaching for the container childishly. "Ravi..."

He pulled the container closer to him, farther from her reach. "No, damnit. Those two are out there, and the last thing you need is them walking in on your feast of Cop-Suey." His face softened as he continued. "Besides, I'm worried about you." His eyes trailed her body. "I really need to examine you again. To figure out what the hell is happening to you."

She agreed, flitting her tongue between the teeth of the fork, her eyes focused on the container. "I'm starving Ravi. I'm craving middle aged man, and you've got my meal." She pointed the fork at him. "Give it up."

He relented and handed the container back to her. She opened it and began to snack ravenously, moaning in delight as she chewed her first bites. Ravi remembered Clive and Major and stepped back out into the morgue.

"Liv will get back to you both later. And I'll pass on the message." He began to gently push the two men toward the door. "We need to get back to work."

They were surprised by the gesture but left without argument. Ravi returned to the kitchenette, finding the empty container on the table but Liv was nowhere to be found. Rolling his eyes, he called out to her. "Liv?"

"In here." She called. He followed her voice to the closet that held the rats where she was lovingly admiring 'rat b'. "Major and I had sex about two weeks ago. It was an accident, one we promised we couldn't make because of the risks. We didn't tell you or Peyton because we thought we were in the clear. We were happy when we realized Major didn't go all zombie, but then..." She paused, her voice solemn. "Then I found out what Major has been doing. His real job at Max Rager. I haven't been able to look at him since."

She turned to face Ravi. "Now this." Her eyes fell to her stomach. "How is this even possible?"

Ravi shrugged, her story bringing up burning questions that he was afraid to ask. "I don't know. I haven't had time to think of a theory." He walked forward toward her, placing his hand on her shoulder. Their eyes met for a moment. Liv noticed a glint in Ravi's eyes she never had before but she brushed it off. "Mind if I examine you again, and take a few samples? I managed to acquire a small ultrasound machine while you were out. God help me if they question why a morgue needed to borrow one."

Liv offered a wry smile and nodded. "Thanks, Ravi."

They exited the closet to the morgue and Liv hopped onto a clean metal table, laying down. Ravi pulled on a fresh pair of gloves and moved toward her, pulling the ultrasound machine toward the table. Her pale hands pulled up her purple top, exposing her flat belly. The pale skin matched her hands in all but one place, surrounding her navel. It was normal flesh colored

"That's strange." Ravi mentioned while lubing up the ultrasound wand. "Your stomach changing, and it wasn't like that earlier." Liv narrowed her eyes at the news.

"Kind of like my hair is changing. Do you think it's related?"

"Must be. Some sort of zombie baby perk?" He pressed the button the ultrasound and pushed the probe into her stomach, watching the screen for any sort of flicker. Liv craned her neck to take in the view. Ravi continued to move the probe in an attempt to find something, anything.

"It must have been a mistake, Ravi. This isn't even possible."

Ravi began to nod, not seeing anything on screen. "I don't understand what I heard though. I distinctly heard a heartbe—"

Before Ravi could finish his sentence, sounds of rhythmic whooshing filled the air.

"Oh my god." They exclaimed in unison as they met heads to watch the screen. In the center of a black void, was a small flicker.

"You're definitely pregnant." Ravi whispered, checking for Liv's reaction as he delivered the verdict.

The Major problem with Liv [iZombie Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now