I dont want you being beside me so often

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"Beep beep beep" off went that obnoxious alarm clock that meant it was time to go back to that hell hole called school. The blonde twitchy boy hit his alarm until it stopped beeping which took a few tries given he was so drowsy. He scruffled his fluffy blonde locks that made him look like he had been playing with one too many electric sockets and pulled down his incorrectly buttoned up shirt and gave out a small tic cry as he got ready for school. After making his way to his bus stop he noticed all the other kids in his neighborhood, which was pretty much everyone in his class."hey Tweek!" Cheerfully exclaimed the small minded boy they all called, Butters. "Nice day isn't it?" He said making small talk with his classmate. Tweek twitched "hey Butters-Ah!-" he said trying to seem casual as they all piled onto the bus. Making his way down to the back of the bus he sat expecting to be by himself the whole ride, but his dreams were crushed when another kid from his class sat beside him, it was Craig. He hardly knew this kid up until the whole class had set them up for a fight so he wasn't too exited to see him and gave an annoyed frown but it didn't seem to phase the boy at all. Craig gave a small glance but didn't care enough to acknowledge Tweek sitting beside him, this kind of annoyed Tweek I mean he just walked up and sat there when he could've just gotten his own seat in one of the empty rows. "prick" he thought as he rolled his eyes and looked out the bus window.

"Alright class, today we're going to be talking about British history, because our school is retarded and clearly doesn't realize that we're in America not fucking faggy Britain... Pip I'm looking at you" started their teacher Mr Garrison, Pip gave a small frown and hung his head a little. Garrison went off on his lesson while Craig leaned back in his chair and played with an eraser out of boredom only half listening to their history lesson "Craig, stop leaning in your chair" snapped the teacher to him, Craig didn't even look up he just gave him the middle finger and ignored him. "Craig! Stop leaning in your chair and if you flip me off one more ti-" Craig didn't hesitate to put both fingers up at his teacher this time "god damn it Craig get out!!" Craig got up and walked out with a sly smirk, he really didn't want to have to sit through that anymore anyways, the other kids watched him leave the room in pure envy. He really hated school, the kids there were pretty stupid and he just had no fucks in life to give to anybody or anything really. He sat down on the bench to the councilors office awaiting his daily lecture on how offensive it is to flip people off was, but really it was just a finger who cares? Craig patiently waiting, then looked up and saw another kid, the kid who visited the councilors office almost as much as he did. He felt a small pinch of joyous relief in his stomach knowing he wasn't the only kid going to get in trouble and gave a sly smile "hey Tweek" he said to the boy, Tweek still seemed pretty annoyed "hey Craig." He said in a rude tone as he sat beside him "well somebody's pissy. Is it your time of the month, man?" He said with a douchey grin "shut up you ass-kah-" Tweek replied, his tic always making him seem like he was on meth or something seeing as he was always trembling and twitching uncontrollably. Craig stuck his middle finger up at Tweek just as councilor Mr Mackey came out to bring him in "Craig, how many times do I have to tell you that flipping people off is bad, Mkay? When are you going to learn to stop." Mackey said with his arms crossed in disappointment "sorry Mr Mackey" Craig said as he walked into the office looking back at Tweek before closing the door

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