Chapter 1 - A New Town, A New Gig

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The fedora yielded man had a pen and pad in hand. His stained oak acoustic guitar sat perched on its stand beside his blue desk. The pen had just finished scrawling across they paper as a knock could be heard from the basement door.
"Hi Patrick, we need to get going the tour bus leaves in an hour!" exclaimed the man with bright pink hair. Patrick placed the pen and pad on the desk. His shoes laid strewn across the basement floor. The furthest away was by the staircase so Patrick went to pick that shoe up first. His feet wouldn't carry his body back to his chair so he slumped to the floor and placed the first shoe onto his right foot. Using his arms as propellers he scooched across the floor to reach his other shoe in the corner of the room.

When he had finished getting his shoes on, he took the basement steps two at a time, reaching the top in seconds. He was greeted in the foyer of the house by his three friends. We have already met the pink haired man, but I never told you his name. Pete Wentz the pink haired emo! There was also "always shirtless" Andy Hurley and finally last but not least the "guitar God" Joe Trohman. But the frontman hasnt been named. Patrick Stump, my fedora yielding, multi-instrument playing hero!

The big green tour bus stood outside the window waiting for the boys. Patrick and Joe picked up their guitar cases and flung them into the open luggage carriage underneath the tour bus. Pete done the same except what he was carrying was a bass guitar and Andy got off lightly as he only had to carry his drumsticks as his drum set would be travelling in another van behind the tour bus.

As they had time to kill and were bored the boys hopped on to their emaculate tour bus and walked through to the games area. Perched between the frames where the back window should go was a 32" TV. Attached to this was an ancient Nintendo Wii and a modern PS4. Alongside the TV was a cupboard where the lads stored their games and controllers. Joe had already decided what game he was playing so grabbed the the red guitar body and multicolored head.

Whilist Joe set the Wii up so he could play Band Hero, Patrick was in his own little world. He was worried. The stories he had been told about this town could not be true or could they? He thought about it again. Images of bloodsucking creatures and magical spells filled his mind. But those things didn't exist, neither vampires nor magic existed. But then again he had never heard of the town Mystic Falls before someone asked the band if they could play for someone's birthday.

Two noises could be heard simultaneously. The first was the opening bars of famous Fall Out Boy song Sugar, We're Goin' Down and the other was the rumble of the engine starting which caused their hearts to race and made them jump.

Patrick screamed out to the driver "Excuse me but you could have warned us that you were going to start the engine on this bus."

A blonde haired face poked around the corner of his seat.  "I'm ever so sorry" the Essex accent replied "I thought it'd be funny to watch you jump and it was. And you know that I only agreed to do this to see my brother Tyler Lockwood!"

"Yes I understand that Bobby but we are a band and we would like to get to our tour venue so we can perform. So if you wouldn't mind driving then that would be most helpful."  the other blonde replied.

The time on the digital clock installed in the bus read 5:45 am as the long carriage pulled out of the gates of the FOB palace. They had no traffic problems apart from a stray horse blocking the road half way through their journey. Therefore the boys kept fidgeting around in the back until the cream sign with green posts appeared into. At 5:00 pm they had arrived at Mystic Falls, Virginia. They had been told to set up and perform in the town hall so they kept driving straight ahead until they saw an old looking building.

Outside the old building was a white haired women dressed in a blue police uniform.  Bobby rolled his window down as the strange lady approached them. "Hello" she started politely "Are you the band here for the party later?"

Bobby replied "Yes we are!"

"OK be careful though. There's meant to be a serious breach of security tonight." She continued.

They parked the bus around the back, pulled out all of their gear and took it into the hall. As they stepped inside, a mysterious black haired man, with ice blue eyes, came to meet them. "Hello I am Damon Salvatore. You must be Fall Out Boy." He spoke with a gruff accent as he shock the hands of all 5 boys.

"Oh sorry but I'm not a part of the band. I just drove them here. Have you seen Tyler Lockwood around anywhere?" Bobby asked to no one in particular. He turned his head and saw an all too familiar face resting against the doorway. "Mum!" he screamed. The mankid ran to give his mother a huge hug. "I've missed you. Where's Ty?"

"He's up in his room" she replied. "He just had  a massive arguement with your father. So be careful he could flip on you if you annoy him right now."

Bobby knew the town back to front so ran the length of it to the Lockwood estate. The big white building stood before him. He opened the large door and stepped through. Just like Patrick did with the basement steps, Bobby took the steps before him 2 at a time. His brother's door consisted of Blue paint and many stickers. Bobby's hand shook as it rose to knock against the old wood.

"Go away" Tyler screamed. But he was shocked to open the door to his brother not his father. He pulled his little brother in for a "man hug".

"Happy Birthday Ty! Sorry I didn't get you anything. I thought seeing me would be enough!" Bobby lied. his present for his brother was Fall Out Boy performing later. Boy what a nice surprise that'll be for Tyler!

At the top of this page is a photograph. On the left is Mr Bobby Lockwood and Fall Out Boy on the right. Fall Out Boy (from the left): Andy Hurely, Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman and Pete Wentz.

When Patrick Stump visited Mystic Falls (FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now