chapter 51

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chapter 51

"I'm pregnant" I kept telling myself in the car on the way home

"Nicole I can't believe it! this is amazing!" Kevin said with excitement

"I'm pregnant" I said again

"yes Nicole your pregnant it doesn't get any simpler than that" he said taking my hand and kissing it

"I'm just trying to processes this" I smiled

"I know its crazy for me to but we finally got it! we're having a baby!" he said screaming out the window

I giggled and touched my stomach thinking if its going to be.

Kevin smiled and grazed his hand over my flat stomach.

"I love you already" he said then leaned down kissing it

"thank you" I whispered to him with tears filling my eyes

he pulled into the drive way and ran his fingers threw my hair

"no love thank you" he said softly

he leaned over and left a soft kiss on my lips sending sparks up my body

"hey alpha your dads calling for a meeting" Jason said walking up to the car

"hi Luna" he smiled at me

"hi jason" I smiled

"didn't we just have a meeting, tell them to cool it" Kevin commanded

"yes alpha" jason bowed then jogged back into the house.

"so mr. head alpha what do you have planned for us today?" I asked bitting my lips and scooting closer to him

"well baby I was thinking about a nice vacation just you and me, go out for a few days get to relax then come back refreshed and ready to take on the world, what do you say babe?" he smiled and rolled his finger down my cheek

"I love it" I giggled

"that's my girl" he smiled and pressed his lips on mine letting them lock and move in sync. we sat there kissing for a while and just kinda forgot about the world.

"Luna" someone said knocking on the window

Kevin groaned and pulled away from our kiss only to start growling as he rolled down the window

"hey landen what's up?" I asked

"well Nikkei-"

"her name is Nicole only her mate is able to call her that" Kevin growled

"sorry" he said then bowed

"Nicole your mother is requesting for you we told her you were out but she won't stop" landen reported

I sighed and ran my fingers threw my hair.

"umm okay I'll be there soon" I said plopping my hand on my lap

"you okay Nicole you look alittle pail?" he asked reaching into the car and touching my cheek

"no touching!" Kevin barked and slapped his hand away

landen bit his lip and looked the other way then sighed. he looked down and i think I saw a tear fall from his eyes.

"okay well I'll see you inside" he choked and walked back in with out a word

"Kevin" I cried

"what I said no touching" he repeated

I shook my head and some tears of their own fell onto my lap

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