Never give up chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Kill him!" I screamed and jumped from behind the tree

Luke glared at me

"Welcome Nicole you were just in time to watch me rip Kevin's spine out" Luke hissed

"Nicole go back" Kevin said

His eyes were scared and mad that something might happen to me.

"Kevin I said kill him."I commanded

Kevin turned to Luke who was acting like he was waiting for him to finish him.

"Go ahead do what the girl says" Luke insisted

Kevin took a step towards Luke.

"Wait!" Aram said said moving closer to the half wolfs.

They all looked at me.

"We will have a duel to the death" he replied

"Aram" I cried

"Nicole I'm Alfa do as I say! Kevin and Luke will have a fight to the death" Aram yelled

I felt tears come to my eyes blurring my vision

"It will be this Saturday in the wolfs dean" Aram commanded

"Great cant wait to pull your spine out in front of your little girl friend" Luke hissed and disappeared into the bushes

"Do understand Kevin?" Aram said sternly

"Yes Alfa" Kevin nodded and bowed

When he looked up his eyes met my watery ones.

"Nicole" Kevin said taking a step to me

I moved back.

"Kev" I cried

"W-what if you d-die?" I stuttered

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked down to meet my eyes

"Hey, I'm not going to die. Do you see me fight? That guy is just a stick in the road you just have to kick it to the side" he said brushing a stray tear away from my warm cheek.

"Hey don't cry"he said holding me to his chest.

I wanted to hold Kevin to my chest forever but then I remembered Aram was standing there watching us.

I sadly pulled from Kevin's hold and looked at him in the eyes showing that I was sorry.

"Get ready I'm taking you two out" Aram hissed pushing past us

I watched as Aram threw on a shirt and some jeans on and ran back to the house.

"Hey what was that?" Kevin asked taking my arm

"What was what?" I replied pulling from his grip on my arm

"Why did you pull away like that?"he asked throwing on some basket ball shorts a under armor on that showed his toned abs

"Kevin we need to talk" I said rubbing my arm

"Okay let's talk" he said raising his perfect brown eye brow

"Kevin not here" I said looking around like someone was watching us.

He smirked and took my hand and brought me to the lake that we went to a while ago.

"What?" He asked crossing his arms

"Kevin I was talking to the pack wife and she said not to show Aram that we might like each other" I said

"Might?"he asked smirking

He got closer and put his hands on my hips pulling our body's closer than ever.

"More like I like you Nicole and I wanted to tell you that but I never got a chance to tell you" he said taking my cheek in his hands

"I like you a lot" he whispered

I was blushing like crazy and I felt my stomach give birth to things that I have never felt before but I liked it!

I felt my lips part wanting to say that I liked him back but I was in shock that he just confessed like that.

"How about you?" He asked moving positions so he was looking down at me

"I-I do" I stuttered trying to say I liked him

He giggled and blushed at my lose of words

"You what?" He smiled

"I do like too" I shuffled the words

He got a huge smile on his face and blushed

"Good. All I want to be is yours Nicole, no one else's just you and me" he said hugging me

I felt his heart race as we just confessed that we liked each other.

I crossed my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his dark blond hair.

He leaned in to kiss me.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked inches away from my lips

I nodded my head.

"I thought you would never ask" I smiled

His smile reached both ends of his face if that's possible. He brushed his lips on mine and took my bottom lip In between his teeth and gave it a small tug. Kevin gave me feelings I never felt before and I loved it! But it was kinda scary at the same time, I didn't want to give my whole self away with a snap of a finger.

He let go and looked into my violet brown eyes and I saw love in his eyes.

"Let me kiss you" he whispered.

Before I could say anything his face buried in my neck sucking on the tender skin. I moaned as he found 'the spot' the spot was a place where werewolves mark their mates but since me and Kevin weren't 'mates' he could only kiss it and make me feel good but until we are mates then he has to hold back.

He kissed the spot many times and nibbled on it then licking it making the pain turn into pleasure. I grasped the back of his shirt fisting it in my hand as he sucked on it rolling his tongue around it. I loved the way Kevin kissed me or made me feel so good! I was whole when I was with Kevin.

"Kevin?" We heard a voice intrup us

Kevin stopped and held me to his hip.

"Yes?" He asked in his commanding voice

"Alfa wants to see you" he bowed

Kevin looked at me with fear and I had a bad feeling about it.

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