Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I walked around the house smiling at people who smiled then bowed back.

"Hello Luna" the doctor said smiling at me

"Hello Bruce" I smiled and trotted past him till I came to the room, landens room.

"Landen please calm down we need to get this IV in" the nurse said trying to he him down but he kept moving around like a worm

"Get me Nicole and I'll let you stick me" he hissed

"We need to do this first then we will get her" she said with a bit of anger in her voice

"What's going on here" I asked leaning on the door frame

Oh thank god" the nurse said

"Nicole!" Landen yelped and almost jumped off the bed

"Woh there cowboy" I giggled and walked over to him

"Luna please tell him to stop moving" she begged

I smiled and walked over to the hospital bed and sat next to landen taking his hand

"Please listen to her she's trying to help you" I said softly

He nodded

"I just wanted to see you and prayed you were still alive" he said and his eyes were filled with love

"Well I'm still here" I smiled

He smiled and kissed my hand

"There all done" she said throwing her hands up in surrender

"All good?" I asked touching his arm which had two needles plunged in

"All good" he smiled and took my hand

He looked in my eyes and started stroking my cheek with his thumb

"So beautiful" he whispered

I looked down at out hands and moved back

"Umm I'm going to go see were mark and Jason are" I said standing up and brushing off my shirt

"Nicole" he whinnied

I looked back at him

"I love you" he said softly

I nodded and walked out. Once I out out the room I started breathing hard then slid down the wall holding my knees.

"You okay Luna?" I heard a deep voice ask

I looked up and saw Jason with a concern face

"Of my gosh Jason!" I screamed and jumped up wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him into the biggest bear hug ever.

"Woh there pretty lady don't stress yourself" he chuckled and put me back on my feet

"How are you doing?" I asked looked him up and down trying to see if my brother had injured him

"I'm fine Luna just some scratches but nothing lethal" he smiled

"Jason I'm so sorry about everything" I said

"Luna it's not your fault. Don't blame this on yourself" he said rubbing my arm

I smiled and hugged him. Jason was the only one in the house who kept me safe, who didn't go love crazy on me, who didn't try and mark me, but loved me as Luna and cared for me.

"Nicole" I heard a deep husky voice next to us.

I let go of Jason and saw Kevin standing there crossing his arms. He had a tight white v-neck and dark jeans, his hair was a bit messed up and it looked hot. Hell he looked hot!

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