Chapter 12

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Hello everyone,

This is going to be the last chapter of this story *sobs* but I'm going to be starting a new one (also Johnlock!) called '10 steps to normality', so please let me know what you think when I start that one ^.^

Thank you to everyone who has supported me, you guys are awesome and you know it ;D

I would recommend reading this chapter with 'Can't go back' by Rosi Golan or 'A drop in the ocean' by Ron Pope playing- they're lovely (and emotional) songs.


Chapter 12

It was the day of Sherlock and John's wedding and the excitement was overwhelming.

Sherlock woke up alone that warm, summer's morning.

John had stuck to the tradition and said that they shouldn't see each other until the ceremony. Of course Sherlock had protested since he didn't want his blogger to leave him, but John had won the argument and had arranged to stay at his sisters. Molly had kindly agreed to look after Hamish so that Sherlock and John could prepare themselves.

Sherlock stretched and stood up, surprised that he had actually gotten any sleep last night. He bounced on the heels of his feet in excitement and pondered over what he should do first and in the end, he decided to take a cold shower to clear his head.

Once he had left the shower, he put on his robe and Mrs Hudson made him breakfast which he just picked at, not because he wasn't hungry, but because he felt sick with nerves. She moaned at him and eventually he forced the food down just to please her.

She told him to go and put his tuxedo on and he felt the butterflies rise inside him once again, but he walked off to his room anyway and got changed. Once he had tamed his hair and finally figured out how to work his tie, he made his way out to the living room.

Mrs Hudson cried when she saw Sherlock in his black suit and she cooed over him for the next ten minutes, Sherlock rolling his eyes and smiling at her fussing.

"Sherlock, I'm so proud of you," she whispered, tears falling down her face. Sherlock made his way over to her and pulled her into a tight hug, forcing back his own tears.

"Thank you for everything," he said gently, pulling back and kissing her cheek.

Suddenly a car horn sounded outside and Sherlock rushed to the window to see Lestrade waiting for him in his grey suit.

Sherlock turned back to Mrs Hudson and she must of sensed the nerves coming off of him, and she made her way over to sort out his tie. She looked up into his eyes.

"Let's go and get you married then, shall we?" She smiled.

Sherlock nodded and they made their way out to the car, greeting Lestrade cheerfully.

The wedding was going to be in a private park just outside of London. Luckily the weather was beautiful so that was one less worry to think about. Sherlock fidgeted in the back of the car the whole way there and in the end Mrs Hudson took his hand in her own to comfort him.


John had woken up that morning feeling sick with nerves.

Harry had made him eat, which he really didn't feel like doing, but he did anyway knowing that it would give him energy.
He was so excited though. Today he would be marrying his Sherlock and he would finally have the family he always wanted.

Harry sent him to go and get ready, so he washed and put on his white tuxedo.

After a while of just sitting on his bed thinking, he finally decided to go and find his sister. She cried when she saw how lovely he looked and had hugged him affectionately for a long time.

Soon enough, a car beeped outside and John looked out of the window to see Mycroft standing beside one of his shiny, black cars. No one had told him that Mycroft would actually be coming, let alone picking him up! He smiled at how friendly and caring people could be when something special like today's events would be happening.

They made their way out and John shook Mycroft's hand, thanking him for coming.

"It's not everyday someone agrees to marry my baby brother. We might as well make the most of it when it happens," Mycroft said. John nodded and started to get into the back of the car when Mycroft stopped him.

"John...," he turned around. "I'm happy for you." Mycroft said gently. John smiled at him and they all got into the car, driving off in the direction of the wedding.


Sherlock, Mrs Hudson and Lestrade arrived at the park and they all took in their surroundings. It was perfect.

There was a long aisle with a small stage at the end, which was surrounded by hanging baskets and pots filled with white roses. There were wooden benches spaced out evenly at each side for the guests, and an arch at the beginning of the aisle that Sherlock and John would walk under together.

There was a small field behind them with a fountain which would be perfect for the photographs and the area was surrounded by trees, so it was very private.

Suddenly a photographer made his way over and shook each of their hands in turn. He seemed very friendly and he promised to capture every special moment so that the wedding would be memorable for Sherlock and John.

Very soon, guests started turning up in their hundreds. 'How many people has Mycroft invited?' Sherlock thought as he paced behind a tree so that no one could see him. He felt as though he was going to be sick. He couldn't remember ever feeling this nervous about something before and he ran his hands down his face, attempting to keep in the tears.

For the first time in a very long time, Sherlock wanted his mum.

He peeped out from behind the tree and that's when he saw her. For the first time in over ten years, Sherlock saw his mother. She was wearing a long blue dress and her curly auburn hair fell freely over her shoulders. She was looking around, obviously to try and find her youngest son.

Sherlock stepped out from behind the tree so that he was now in her sight. She watched him, looking him up and down to take it all in and soon enough, she held out her arms.

Sherlock ran.

He ran as fast as he could and collapsed into his mother's embrace, sobbing loudly. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked the back of his head tenderly.

"Shh shh, it's ok darling. I'm here," she said gently. After what felt like hours but was probably only minutes, they pulled back to look at each other. She stroked his face and wiped away the tears.

"I'm here," she whispered. Sherlock held onto her hands and nodded, pursing his lips.

"I'm scared mum," he cried.

"I know darling, I've been through it before. But I'm so proud of you and I know you can handle it. I love you." She said quietly, beaming at him. He smiled widely back.

"I love you too." They stood in a comfortable silence for a while before Sherlock spoke up again.

"Mum, I think you should know that you're a grandmother."

"What!" She beamed, covering her mouth in shock.

"John and I adopted a little boy last month. He's called Hamish." Sherlock said proudly.

"Oh Sherlock! I'm so happy for you!" She gushed over Sherlock for a while and then her phone rang. She answered.

"John's just turned up, you should go and meet up with him. I'll be with Mycroft..." She started.

"You're staying?!" Sherlock said, looking at her in shock.

"Of course sweetheart!" she laughed. "I can't leave my son alone on his wedding day!"

Sherlock hugged her again and ran off to find his doctor.


John paced behind a hedge near the arch that he'd be walking under shortly.

He was a nervous wreck. His hands were shaking uncontrollably and he was certain that the butterflies in his stomach had transformed into wasps. He turned around when he heard footsteps approaching him.

Suddenly all his nerves disappeared when he caught sight of his fiancé.

"Sherlock...," He whispered. The consulting detective ran up to him swept him into his arms.

"John, you look incredible," Sherlock said into John's shoulder.

"So do you Mr Holmes," John giggled. They stepped back and smiled at each other. John noticed that Sherlock had been crying.

"What's wrong?" He said gently.

"I just spoke to my mother for the first time in over ten years," Sherlock answered, smiling widely.

"I can't wait to meet her later," John said. Suddenly, music started playing and they heard everyone stand up.

"You ready?" John asked as the nerves returned.

"As I'll ever be. You?" Sherlock said, breathing heavily. John took Sherlock's hand.

"Bring it on."

They made their way down the aisle and both men filled with pride as they saw all the people they loved beaming at them.

Mike Stamford, Mrs Holmes, Mycroft, Harry with Clara and many more. Mrs Hudson stood in front holding Hamish. As they proceeded further down the aisle, they noticed Molly with Lestrade who had a protective arm around her shoulders. John looked at them in shock and Lestrade nodded, Molly giggling slightly.

A lady in a cream suit stood on the stage at the end waiting for the couple. She smiled widely as they made their way up and she told everyone that they could take their seats. After a long speech about the meaning of this partnership, it was time for Sherlock and John to say their vows.

John started. "Sherlock, when I first met you I didn't know what to think. You were eccentric, witty and abnormally intelligent. I guess that's why I was so drawn to you. When you 'died," John cleared his throat. "I didn't know what to do with myself, but by some miracle you returned and my life just keeps getting better." John wiped a tear from Sherlock's face. "I must be the luckiest man in the world to have found you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much." He stopped and Sherlock had to calm himself down before he started.

"John my life was a complete mess before I met you, Lestrade definitely knows that," everyone laughed. "But you've turned my life around and I don't know what I'd do without you. It kills me when I remember how much pain I put you through and I promise never to do that again. You've given me a family and you love me, I can't ask for anything more. I love you so much."

Both men stood there crying and Sherlock wiped some of the tears from John's cheeks.

"Sherlock Holmes, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The lady said.

"I do," Sherlock smiled and John beamed back.

"And do you, John Hamish Watson, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I definitely do," he grinned.

They took the rings and placed then onto each others fingers.

"It's my pleasure to now pronounce you married, you may kiss," the lady finished, smiling at both of them.

Sherlock cupped John's face and kissed him, not caring about anyone around them. Everyone rose from their seats and applauded and John and Sherlock smiled at each other and ran down the aisle, hand-in-hand.


After everyone had eaten, it was time for drinks and speeches. Sherlock and John braced themselves for whatever their friends and family were going to say.

Lestrade went first. "I've known Sherlock for over six years now and he is one of the most impossible men you will ever meet." Everyone laughed and John nodded in agreement. "But John seems to be one of the only people who can put up with him without punching him. Therefore I'd like to congratulate the happy couple and wish them the best. Cheers!" Everyone applauded and toasted Sherlock and John.

Next it was Molly. "Umm...hello everyone. I'm not very good with speeches so I'll make this quick. I love Sherlock and John so much and I'm so happy that they have each other now. They really are adorable together. I wish them every happiness. Cheers!" Once again everyone applauded and drank to their health.

Next it was Mrs Holmes and John smiled when he saw the resemblance between her and Sherlock. "Hello everyone. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Sherlock's mother. I know I haven't been around to support my son and for that I am sorry, but I see that he hasn't needed my help! He has found John, a brilliant, caring and respectful young man." She turned round and smiled lovingly at John, who beamed back at her. Sherlock squeezed John's hand and smiled. "I am so proud of both of them and I'm thrilled to be a grandmother," she said, smiling and gesturing to little Hamish who was sitting on Lestrade's lap. "Congratulations and best wishes for whatever the future my bring," she said, raising her glass.

Finally it was Mycroft's turn and Sherlock became tense. John squeezed his hand, attempting to comfort him.

"I always thought it would be impossible to find someone who could love a Holmes, and I am happy to say that I was wrong. John is an exceptional young man and he completes my brother. I am truly happy for the both of you and I wish you every happiness," he raised his glass and Sherlock let out a sigh of relief. Mycroft turned to go back to his seat, but quickly ran back over to the microphone. "I am also thrilled to be an uncle!" He said, unable to hide the grin on his face. Everyone laughed and applauded.


Music blared out of the speakers and everyone was dancing and having a wonderful time. Then 'a drop in the ocean' started playing and Sherlock and John realised that this dance had been saved for them. Sherlock led John onto the dance floor and everyone took out their cameras. Sherlock wrapped his arms tightly around John's waist and John wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck, resting his head on his shoulder. They swayed to the rhythm of the music slowly and John started to cry.

After a while, Sherlock heard John sniff and pulled back to look at him.

"What's wrong?" He said gently, wiping the tears from John's face with his thumb.

"I'm just so happy," John grinned. He pulled Sherlock in for a kiss. "Thank you for the gift you promised me." He whispered. Sherlock smiled as he remembered telling John that he would get him a present.

"This is the best present I could have gotten," John smiled. "So thank you."

Sherlock smiled at him and a tear slid down his cheek.

"No, thank you Doctor Watson-Holmes."


So what did you think?! I'm so upset to be finishing this story so I'm going to write my next one very soon!
I was listening to beautiful, slow music whilst writing this and I think I just ended up pouring out all of my feels into this chapter and now I want to cry gah! I think I need help.

But anyway, thanks for reading you lovely people ^.^

(Oh yeah, Sherlock, John and Hamish lived happily ever after- I'd cry if they didn't)

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