Truth Comes Out, Finally!

Start bij het begin

I opened the bathroom door, wrapped in the shower curtain; hey a girl is got to do what a girl has to do.  E.J looked at me and smiled.

“I knew you would come up with something.”

“You’re a butt hole.”

“Hey, I was about to bring you the towel.” He lied.

“Yeah, sure you were.” He chuckled.

“Come on, I will give you some cloths.” I followed him, dragging behind me the shower curtains.

“Here you go.” He handed me a black shirt and some shorts.

“Thanks.” He nodded and just stood there, I knew he was not going to leave, so I went back to the bathroom to change, I put on the shirt and laughed to myself when it almost reached my knees., I put on the shorts but they were way too big, for so reason I think he gave me shorts he knew wouldn’t fit me... So I slipped on my underwear and went back to his room. “Your shorts are too big, do you have any smaller?” I asked, but E.J was just checking me out with a huge smile. “Hey, eyes up here.” I said copying what he said to me a couple days ago. He laughed and then looked into my eyes.

“No, sorry those are the smallest I have; I guess you will just have to wear my shirt.” I knew he was lying he had smaller shorts…

“Whatever, I am headed to your guest room, to go to sleep.” I walked out of the room, but then E.J ran towards me.

“Wait, how about you sleep in my room?” He asked with a smirk.

“No.” I said thinking that would be a bad idea, especially after what happened on the couch in his living room... I started to walk down the hall some more towards the guest room.

“Vanessa, wait, don’t go in there, it is a mess plus I need to wash the sheets. I think someone at the party got ‘down with it’ in the bed.”

“Yeah, I know I caught them it was awkward, but I kicked them out. I’ll just sleep on the futon.” I said, I reached the door, but E.J stopped me.

“You can sleep on the couch in the living room, just please don’t sleep in here.” He said in a pleading tone.

“Why?” I asked becoming curious, all the sudden the door opened. I looked down and saw a little girl with dirty blond hair and a whole bunch of curls. She reminded me of Shirley Temple.

“Lynn, Babe, what are you doing up?” E.J asked walking into the guest room and picking her up. She sheepishly rubbed her eyes.

“I heard people talk.” She said as she put her arms around his neck. He tried to lay her down on the futon, but she would not let go of him.

“You need to lay down and go back to sleep.” He said, she shook he head and then looked at me.

“Who is the pretty girl?” She asked.

“She is-“I cut of E.J.

“I am Vanessa.” I said walking in and over to them. Lynn looked at me with a huge smile, I chuckled when I saw her two front teeth where missing, she was just so cute.

“Are you a princess?” She asked, I laughed.

“No, but I want to be.” I said, it was true in away, that was my goal when I was like 6.

 All the sudden she let go of E.J and held her hands out towards me. I hesitated for a minute but then grabbed her. She held on to me and then laid her head down on my shoulder. E.J gave me a shy smile. “How about we go in the living room and watch some cartoons?” I asked Lynn, she nodded, but did not remove her head from my shoulder.

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