Jealous (Sherlock x Reader x Loki)

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(A/N: A request from my DeviantArt page. Enjoy!)

"Come on, guys! We're gonna be late if we don't leave soon." You said as you adjusted your black skirt. Finally – the time had come. Halloween. It had always been one of your favorite holidays. There were always a few of your friends who never really shared your enthusiasm, but that never stopped you from dragging them along to parties.

You stepped back from the mirror and double-checked your outfit. You supposed that being a cat was a bit cliché, but with all the work you put into the costume, you looked good.

"I'm not going!" You heard Sherlock say from the living room. Of course – he's always the first one to complain about Halloween. You were currently at 221B Baker Street with Sherlock and John. When you had first proposed the idea, John actually liked the idea. Sherlock had the opposite reaction. He had done nearly everything in his power to change your mind about going to the party – he even called Mycroft to change streetlights so you'd have traffic and be late. You had been their roommate for over a year, and you already knew that Sherlock had another plan up his sleeve.

You walked out into the living room to see Sherlock sprawled across the couch with a thermometer. "What are you doing?" You asked.

"I'm sick." He said with a cough.

"No he's not!" John called out from the kitchen. "He put the thermometer next to the heater about ten minutes ago."

"Bloody hell, John!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"Okay, both of you, stop it." You said. "You're both coming to the party. End of story."

Sherlock let out an exasperated sigh. "Do I have to?"

"Yes!" You said. "Now go put on your costume. We're gonna be late!"

~ ~ ~

"Guys, the party starts in twenty minutes!" Tony shouted.

"Why are we doing this again?" Steve asked.

"Because it's Halloween and it's fun." Tony responded. The entire Avengers team was currently at a hotel in London. They were originally supposed to be there for a peace meeting regarding the Tesseract, but they had a free day to do whatever they wanted. That day happened to be Halloween, and Tony took it upon himself to drag everyone to a Halloween party.

Not everyone was happy about it.

"This is ridiculous." Loki said as he sat on the couch. "I hate Midguardian holidays."

"Stop whining." Clint said. "It'll be fun!"

"But isn't it a bit narcissistic to dress up as ourselves?" Steve asked.

"Nevermind that." Tony said. "Let's go!"

~ ~ ~

The party was in full swing by the time you arrived with Sherlock and John. For the entire taxi ride, you had tried your best not to laugh at them in costume – but when you finally stepped out of the cab, you bust into a fit of giggles.

"Stop laughing!" Sherlock said.

"Okay, okay!" You said as you regained your composure. The sight of Sherlock and John with their cowboy costumes and Stetsons was completely ridiculous. "Sorry."

It took a moment for the three of you to walk up to the house, but you soon stood in front of the door. You opened the door and was instantly met with all the elements of a classic Halloween party: costumes, decorations, candy, alcohol, and HOLY FUCKING SHIT THOSE ARE THE AVENGERS.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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