Why Do You Do This

Start from the beginning

"You're alright" James sighed in relief, as he pulled away.

"Yes, dad. I'm fine. Well as ok as I should be after what just happened" Harry turned to McGonagall, "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Unfortunately yes. What happened?"

"We got back and Dumbledore told me to hide under my cloak. So I did, and then the Death Eaters came to the tower, with Malfoy and Snape at the front. Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore and then they started talking about how Voldemort had threatened Malfoy. I think Malfoy said that Voldemort would kill his family if he didn't kill Dumbledore. But he couldn't do it. And then Dumbledore started begging with Snape. And he did it. Snape killed Dumbledore. That's how he fell. The curse hit him in the chest. But he was already dead. There was nothing I could do."

"Thank you Harry." McGonagall turned back to James, Sirius and Remus, "For now, I'll be acting head. I'll talk to the Ministry as well, organise his funeral."

"I think the students should be allowed to attend. To say good bye" Harry said.

"I'll see what I can do. For now though, go back to your dormitory. Get some rest. It's been a long night." She looked at the empty desk in the center of the room, then turned back to the other, "I would be most grateful for your help as well."

"Of course" Remus said, "We'll come back in the morning, but I think we should all get some rest."

McGonagall nodded. James turned to Harry, "I'll see you tomorrow, alright. Try and get some sleep."

Harry nodded, "I will dad. I just wish that you could stay here without having to hide"

"Soon. Alright. Let's just get this over with first"

They hugged one last time, and Harry left for Gryffindor Tower. James joined the others by the fire place, looking back at the Headmasters office. It seemed darker now, knowing that Dumbledore would never set foot in this office again. Then the trio bade goodbye to McGonagall and flooed back home.


The funeral took place the day before the students would head home on the Hogwarts express. James decided that he would attend the funeral as Prongs, so he could stand in the forest with the centaurs and not look out of place. He would much rather be himself, but it was too dangerous.

The edge of the black lake had been decked out with chairs. All the students sat with their friends, all in their uniforms. The Minister himself sat at the front, with the teachers and members of the Order. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat behind with the DA. Prongs lined up with the centaurs along the edge of the forest.

The ceremony was long. Dumbledore lay at the very front, in his purple robes with his wand on his chest, hands crossed over the top. He looked so peaceful. At the end of the ceremony, the teachers in cased Dumbledore in a pure white marble tomb. There was an eerie silence among the staff and students as the centaurs shot arrows over the lake to honour him and Fawkes the Phoenix cried.

The procession dispersed. Some students had arranged to go home after the ceremony with parents who had attended. The others would have to wait until morning to make the journey back to platform 9 ¾ and meet their parents.

Prongs hung round waiting for the area to empty. Eventually it did, and he wondered over to join Harry, Ron, Hermione, Remus and Sirius next to the white tomb. Harry turned to him, and gave a sad smile.

"I'm going back to the Dursleys tomorrow. One last time. Dumbledore would have wanted me to" He sighed and looked at the tomb, "I'm going to try and convince them to leave before the Order come to get me. So they're safe. I hate them, but this wasn't their fault. You'll come won't you? With the Aurors who are escorting them."

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