It Shouldn't Have Been Like This

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The next two terms passed slowly. Harry sent letters regularly, updating him on his 'class', which was conveniently named 'Dumbledore's Army'. Nothing happened, apart from Umbridge busting the DA. That left every member in detention for the rest of the year.

Then James got word, towards the end of the year. Voldemort had been tormenting him, putting an image in his mind that he was torturing Sirius at the ministry. And Harry had gone there to rescue him, because he didn't know any different.

James sprinted down to where the others were preparing to leave.

"James don't think for one moment that you're coming with us" Sirius said when he entered the room, "If you get caught"

"I don't care!" He said, a little louder than he intended, "Harry is in trouble and I'm going to help him. No matter what"

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Okay. But we won't be held responsible if you get caught"

Five minutes later, Moody, Tonks, Remus, Sirius, James, Kingsley and a few others were ready to go. They apparated into the deserted ministry and ran for the department of mysteries. Harry was there, with Neville, Luna, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. They were in the middle of a battle with a bunch of death eaters.

The order jumped straight in, taking death eaters down left, right and center. Harry stood side by side with his father and god father. Bellatrix sent a killing curse at Sirius. James knocked him out the way. Then Harry did something stupid; he ran after her. The others were too busy locked in battle to notice.

Eventually all the death eaters in the room were rounded up and tied. Sirius approached James, "Mate, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. But Harry. He ran after Bellatrix, after she sent the curse at you." He looked Sirius dead in the eye, "I can't go after him. It's almost morning and the Ministry workers will be here soon. Find him. Please"

"I'll send word as soon as I know he's alright." Sirius sprinted out the door.

The rest of the students approached the order members. Neville looked directly at James, who was standing with Remus with a concerned look on his face.

"He'll be fine" He said. James looked at him. "Harry, I mean. He's survived worse. And you'd have to be an idiot not to know who you are"

James smiled at him, "You're so good to him. I don't know how sane he would be without you"

"Most of us wouldn't be here without him" Neville replied, "He just doesn't know it" James smiled again before heading back to base with Tonks and the others, leaving Moody and Kingsley to deal with the students and make sure the made it back to Hogwarts.

Sirius returned shortly after they did, "Harry's alive," he said "a bit shaken, but alive. He had a run in with Voldy. The Minister arrived to find Harry behind Dumbledore, who was battling Voldemort. They believe us now when we say he's back"

"What's happening now?" James asked, "I mean with the kids"

"Moody and Kingsley are helping Dumbledore escort them back to Hogwarts. The death eaters have been handed over to the Auror department, so there's no chance of them following. The only one that escaped was Bellatrix, but the department is on alert for her"

"Good." Remus said, "At least they are safe. They only have a few days left at Hogwarts so will be back here soon."

"Yup. There's no way I'm letting Harry stay with the Dursley's any longer than he has to." James said, "It would be cruel to keep him there"

"I'm sure we'll get him out as soon as we can," Molly said, "I'll make sure he knows it before he leaves with them"

"Thanks Molly" James hugged her, "He thinks of you as a mother you know"

"I wouldn't want it any other way"

Survival Of James PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora