chapter 2- dance

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My dad dropped me off for dance today. It was Wednesday and school was cancelled because of some teacher meeting or something like that. So my dance teacher, Mrs. Kay made me come to practice today. She said she wanted me to practice on the dance I'm doing so none of my other teammates would be there. I got dressed in my dance shorts and a sports bra and I tied my hair up in a messy bun because I was lazy. I walked in the room.
Mrs.Kay- ok so we need to work on your solo because the next competition is coming up soon. Today you need to learn how to do a front ariel.
Oh yeah right...that. I can do a regular ariel but not a front one.
Mrs.Kay- ok do your stretches. I'll be right back.
Keegan- Ok.
I did all of my stretches. Mrs. Kay came back.
Mrs. Kay- Ok so you know the dance. I'll pause the song when u have to do the front ariel.
She started the music and I did the dance. I was half way through the song and right before the front ariel part she stopped the music.
Mrs. Kay- Ok I need you to point your toes more and now for the front ariel.
She told me how to do the ariel so I was about to do it until I looked outside of the window and saw Adam standing there smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and ran and jumped and I guess you can call it luck because I did the ariel perfectly.
Mrs. Kay- that was perfect Keegan! Oh time to go see you next practice.
Keegan- ok see you later.
I grabbed my bag and went outside. Ember was supposed to pick me up so I was waiting on her. Then Adam came up to me.
Adam- hey Keegan
Keegan- um hey?
He chuckled a little.
Adam- Ember told me she was busy because she had to work and extra hour for some reason and told me to come pick you up.
Keegan- I don't believe you.
Adam- it's true she told me because of some weird way she got my number and called me.
Ok that sounded like Ember.
Keegan- Ok fine.
I got in his car and sat in the passengers seat. He got in and we took off. There was a long moment of silence and then he spoke up.
Adam- Your really good at dancing.
Keegan-pft...I wish.
Adam- no you really are. It was interesting to watch.
Keegan- thanks...I guess.
Adam- Oh and I like what wearing.
He winked at me and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He laughed a little. Later on we were at my house. I got out of the car and so did he. I went up to my porch and turned around to face him.
Keegan- Why did you agree to pick me up.
He scratched the back of his neck.
Adam- I don't know. I didn't have anything better to do.
Keegan- um ok well thanks and uh yeah.
I turned back around and went inside. I saw him leave in his car and then I went upstairs and got my phone to text Ember. I didn't care if she was at work.
Hey did you send Adam to pick me up after dance??

Ember- Yeah duh! ;)

Me: why?

Ember- because of what happened between you guys the other day

Me: I hate you

Ember: Love ya too gotta go ttyl:)

Only Ember

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