Mashed potatoes coming up

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The final plant was eaten and it was over for the team

"I know it's been less than a few months but I just hope that there are other pea shooters like me in the great and beyond" said the pea shooter

"Do you think they'll be other sun flowers there?" the sun flower asked the pea shooters

"They wouldn't put annoying creatures and if they do have sun flowers they probably would shut up because that would make the world a better place" said the pea shooter

"There's no time for back talk, we've got to do something" said the scientist

"But what?" said the pea shooter

This situation puzzled their minds and there was nothing to hope for, it was just over for them like it was for every other house in the neighbourhood and there was nothing they could do about it.

"You guys need me!" A figure said from the back

They all turned around in synchrony like it was some high school musical scene.

The scientist glanced at the window and examined 

Plants vs Zombies,the story versionWhere stories live. Discover now