Frozen peas man!

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"What do you think would happen if I ate raw brains?" sunflower ased pea shooter

"Nothing unusual will happen if you eat brains. Brain is actually one of the most nutritionally-dense organs found in any animal. From a nutritional standpoint, the brain is the best source of healthy oils in all land animals. It has been reported that human children who grow up eating the brains of animals have healthier brains and nervous systems than those who didn't -- but this isn't because they're absorbing neurons or ganglion juice, it's because a very nutritious diet is beneficial overall" said the scientist

"So in this case they are the good guys because they are eating healthy anyways" said the sunflower

"You don't get it, Brains are rich in cholestore in cholesterol anyways" said pea shooter

"That's not it!Unfortunately, the brain is also an organ that can carry a concentrated amount of disease. Mad cow disease, as we all know by now, refers to the degenerative and fatal condition that occurs in cows, which essentially creates holes in an infected cow's brain. Cattle can become infected with the disease by eating feed that contains infected tissue. You think of cows eating grass, but most cows we eat at the dinner table are fed grain fortified with finely ground-up meat for protein. The chickens that were ground up as protein for the cows were probably themselves fed grain fortified with ground-up cow, and so on. If disease enters this feed-and-be-fed-to system, it's suddenly" the scientist

"Folks  often tell Snow pea how cool he is" The scientist began to talk to himself

"What are you talking about?" asked the pea shooter

"What if there was a pea shooter like you" said the scientist

"I like the sound of that" said the peashooter

"Who is better" said the scientist

"I don't like the sound of that" said the pea shooter


Sorry for really late update, I didn't think my book would get this far but thanks guys anyways my next goal is 1800 reads, if it is able to attain that many reads I will update as fast as possible this time. I apologize once again for late update

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