chapter 2 A zombie slaying girl

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Sally's prov

It was just the afternoon and I thought my neighbour hood was a peaceful and quite place

I saw once again a dead sunflower on the floor.

My neighbour hood was so hot and it was very hard for plants to survive the normal ones could die.

My last flower that I took care of actually smiled at me and started bouncing I had bought it back to life and I decided to give it to anyone who would need it

A scientist came up to me and asked me if I needed a sunflower but I rejected him because I could not risk my flower being killed and left on the streets again

The same night my flower was taken away while I was sleeping and I never saw it again.

That flashback was terrifying I think its best I just take the flower inside and this time I put it at the window where nothing can get to it.

This time I kept hard glass windows in front of the flower, extra sun rays reflected on to it and I had created a contraption that makes sure the flower gets water whenever it needed some.

Whenever I gave it water there would be two things popping out of the flower




I was totally going to be rich with this plant

"Wow!" I said glarring at the plant

At night hoping I was going to have a great sleep I stuttered shaking

I could hear groans not just groans but groans for brains

I LOVE BRAINS" It yelled

I went up to my mother's room to tell her about the sound

But she thought I was lying

Man, I have never been this scared in my life besides the time my flower was taken and I could hear the same sound.

I ran to the kitchen I took my flower and I ran to the front yard to hide but then as I stepped out of the door.

I saw................... A ZOMBIE


I tried to step back it seemed like it was coming faster,

I waited

And waited

I could even see it coming from the grave yard

I still waited

But he had still not reached my house

Okay I got the point zombies were slow but that zombie was still strong enough to break my arm and eat my brains.

It finally finished walking past the grave and he was heading to my house that was just less than a 100 meters away.

I started screaming but everyone was used to everyone screaming at night so they bought sound-proof doors

"What can I do, what should I do, I am too young to die" I said

"You can fight" a voice said

"What do you mean fight, who are you and why are the zombies here" I asked

"They want your flower and your brains" the voice said

"Show yourself!!!" I said

A shadow came from behind the same scientist she rejected to give the flower to and the same scientist who created the plants.

Plants vs Zombies,the story versionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang