Chapter 13

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*Zayn's POV*

"Uh..." I trailed off awkwardly. What do I say now?

"Oh, look. The spaghetti's done." Liam said, ending the awkward situation. "Want some, Emma?" He asked the confused girl.

"Not a lot." She told him. But being himself, he gave her plenty of spaghetti. He handed her the plate and fork. I went and sat back down next to Emma, glaring at Niall the entire time. He needs to back the fuck off. I've known her longer. We have history together. I've been there for her through everything. Niall just met her. He doesn't know anything about her. He has no right to like her.

Harry walked through the door with a bag from the pharmacy. He handed her the bottle of pills and left the bag on the counter.

"Thank you." Emma said quietly and read the label, seeing how many pills she needed to take. She opened the bottle and got two pills out and took them with her water.

"How's your head?" I asked her.

"It hurts." She mumbled. I hate seeing her like this. That cunt shouldn't have laid a finger on her. Louis came into the kitchen at that time.

"Mum said you should be able to sleep tonight, but not until then." He told her. "And only take painkillers every eight hours." He added. "Oh, and why is it so tense in here?" He asked lastly. Everybody was quiet. Harry had no clue what went on earlier. Emma was confused about it. Niall and I despised each other. Liam... I don't really know about Liam. I think he knows what's going on. Maybe not.

"So how about a movie?" Liam suggested awkwardly. Everybody agreed to a movie. "Toy Story?" Liam suggested hopefully. Everybody disagreed to that movie.

"How about 21 Jump Street?" Louis suggested.

"Channing Tatum!" Emma exclaimed. We all rolled our eyes. I swear, every girl loves Channing Tatum. Even my little sisters do. Speaking of my little sisters...

"Em, did I tell you that my family's coming to visit this weekend?" I asked her as Lou put the movie in.

"Oh gosh. I forgot that Jake's supposed to come stay with me this weekend." She said to herself. Jake was her little brother.

"Who's Jake?" Harry inquired.

"My little brother." She replied.

"You have a younger brother? Well, I have an older sister and I'll trade with you." Harry offered jokingly.

"Two older sisters!" Liam piped up.

"Five younger sisters." Louis stated proudly.

"An older brother." Niall said. Nobody cares, Niall.

"An older sister and two younger sisters!" I said. While the movie played in the background, we all got in a discussion of which siblings it worse to have. Only Emma and Niall understood having a brother. I ignored Niall the whole time and he ignored me back. I guess this is somewhat like a war over Emma. I'm going to win, though. She knows me better than she knows him. I know her better than he knows her. Niall knows her name, that's all. He shouldn't fancy her. I'm the only one that has the right to.


"Are you tired?" I asked her. She nodded, rubbing her eyes. It was only nine thirty.

"I got up at six." She mumbled.

"You must be tired then. You've had quite a day." I chuckled, but I probably shouldn't have. "We can go get you a new phone tomorrow." I told her.

"I can't afford a new phone." She shook her head.

"That's why I'm paying for it." I stated simply.

"You aren't paying for-"

"Yes, I am." I cut her off. "Now go to bed. You're tired. I'll be on the couch, if you need me."

"Uh, Zayn?" She said just before in walked out the door. "Will you stay?" She asked quietly.

"Of course, Em." I said and got under the duvet with her. "Are you cold?" I asked her. I kinda was, but maybe that's because I just got out of the shower.

"A little bit." She replied. I shifted in bed and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my chest. I was careful not to hurt her ribs that are probably almost broken, thanks to that horrible excuse of a human.

"Better?" I asked.

"Mhm." She said back. Exhaustion was evident in her voice. "Thank you, Zayn." She said to me, barely awake.

"For what?" I inquired.

"Being there for me." She mumbled before falling asleep.


I woke up to somebody thrashing around in my bed. I sat up, immediately becoming alert. Emma was shaking and kicking her legs violently.

"Emma, wake up!" I said, pulling her into my lap like a child. Her eyes opened and she burst into tears. I hugged her tightly to my bare chest and rubbed her back soothingly.

I really want to go kill that worthless prick right now.

"Em, you're alright. You're fine. I got you. I won't let him touch you ever again." I promised her.

"Why did it have to be me, Zayn?" She asked me. Her voice sounded so scared, that it broke my heart into a million pieces and made me 10 times angrier at that cunt.

"I don't know, Em." I said honestly.

"I'm scared." Emma told me.

"Don't be. I won't let anybody hurt you ever again. And if they do, they're gonna regret it." I said to her.

And that was the truth.


I will update this story every Wednesday (hopefully lol) I hope you enjoyed! :) xx

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