"SHINee was asked to go there and since you were there, I need not ask you to go there. You see, your schedules are different now that you're being launched as Solo."

SHINee won't be launching anything because of me being launched as solo? Was that it?

"Hyung, is everything that's happening because of me being launched as solo?"

He nodded silently on his seat. I felt my heart as it became heavy. First Naeun, then the hyungs. I know what wrong I have done with Naeun but to the hyungs it seemed really selfish to be like that. Everything will change because of me.

"It's okay Taemin, you just all have to do your best individually."- He said.

"Individually? Are we splitting up?"- I asked. The thought just doesn't sink to me that we will, I hope we won't. If this is what we get for me being solo then, I don't think I'd still want this.

"Somehow, you are. Maybe you could call it "a rest" as a group but its all up to SM to decide."- He answered.


What was there left to say on my part? Clearly, I need no words at all. How do you kill a feeling like this?

Manager soon left after a few minutes and I was left alone now with Eve who was still sleeping soundly. I hope I can still sleep like she does, how can I, When I feel so burdened with the things happening...

I felt my eyes heavy, I think I'll doze off to a nap in minutes.

Naeun's POV:

Chorong and I arrived at the dorm's parking area. My face was blotchy and my eyes were still fresh from crying, she stared at me blankly.

"Naeun, could you tell me what's wrong?"- She asked.

I can't.

I can't tell her what's wrong.

Words won't come for me. I didn't feel like narrating what had happend. What happend back there, will bring me to tear and that should not happen. Not when everyone's watching.

"Unnie, can I ask you something?"- I said as I wiped down the tears running.

"What is it?"- She said as she straightened up.

"Please don't ask me to tell you what happend."- I said.

Chorong seemed to be taken aback as to what I've said. She heaved out a sigh and finally answered.

"Okay Naeun, but if ever you need me then I'll be right there."- She said.

I totally appreciate how my members try to understand even if I veer away from them, I know they're always there.

We both went to the dorm. As we arrived, the members were all in Bomi's room. I quickly slipped to my room, before anyone comes out and ask what had happend.

As I entered my room, I dropped to my bed. The coldness of the lonely room just provided more emotion in me.

As I sat down, I now remembered that Chorong and I left our bags in Eve's ward.I walked to the door but as soon as I held the knob, I heard steps coming towards me. I ran to the bed quickly buried my face to the pillows and pretended that I was asleep.

The door went open and in came the people.

"She's asleep."- Bomi said.

"Bomi, please check on Naeun after a few minutes."- Chorong said.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"- Bomi asked.

Chorong sighed. " Yes, there is."

"Can't you tell me, what happend?"- Bomi asked.

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