"I don't know. Go out with your friends or something."

"I'd rather spend my free time making more money." Yuca said. 

"How old are you?" I scrunched my nose. "You sound like an old man."

"Well, one of us has to be the mature one in the relationship." He countered.

"I'm mature." I said, defending myself.

"Says the girl who sleeps with a stuffed penguin every night." He said making fun of me.

Since I was so offended that he mentioned my penguin, I thought it was a good idea to pinch his nipple. He jumped and grabbed my hand.

"Why did you pinch me?" Laughing when he should have been withering in pain.

"Don't you ever talk about Pookie ever again" I scolded him.  "And for the record, I only sleep with him when you aren't there." I always kept the penguin he won for me on our first date. He would spray it with his cologne so I felt better when Yuca didn't sleep over. It tricked my brain into thinking that he was really there with me instead of the penguin. 

"Really?" He lifted my chin to look at my face in disbelief. "Pookie the Penguin?"

I pinched his nipple again.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about him again." He said laughing again

"Didn't that even hurt a little bit?" I asked annoyed.

"Want me to pinch yours so you can know how it feels?"

I covered my face with my hands trying to hide the redness on my cheeks.

"You better not!"

"You started it." He pried my hands from my face, clearly enjoying this. "Why do you hide from me?"

I hid my face in his shoulder and he laughed again.

"I'll stop teasing you, but you don't have to hide from me."

"I'm not hiding." I said in a muffled voice. "My face is just cold."

I still got embarrassed over the smallest thing because I was still a virgin. We have been together for three months and we hadn't had sex yet. We haven't even said the L word to each other. I made a promise to myself from the beginning that If I was going to try this dating thing with him then I was going to go all out. I wasn't going to have sex with him until I knew I loved him and he loved me back. My first time was going to mean everything to me and to him also. But I have to be sure that what I feel is true. He makes me fall for him every day. Even more so when he doesn't pressure me into anything. He knows I've been thru a lot and he says he will wait for me. But I always worry when he will get tired of waiting.

"My other nipple is getting jealous because you only pinched one." He stated.

"Oh my God! Stop!" His laughter boomed around the small room that I'm sure they could hear him outside the room.

He never pressured me, but he sure as hell loved teasing me. I covered my face again, only making him laugh louder. He grabs me and lays me down on the couch. I couldn't even protest because he moved me so fast. He hovered over me taking my hands away from my face, amusement clearly showing in his eyes.

"Get off of me Jerry and Diego are going to walk in here and see us." Looking towards to door to give it that extra belief that they could walk in. 

"So." Yuca smiled. "It's not like I'm pinching your nipple or anything."

I groaned.

"Give me a kiss and I will let you get up." He demanded.

So I kissed him.

His Ghetto FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now