Chapter One

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"... that's why we should put the archers in the middle of the canyons instead of on the top. As they can be posed as an easy target, besides if they can't see because of the sun than it will be unfortunate as the enemy can still see their shadow." I testify against something that Sir Kyle was talking about and he nods, brow furrowed quite deep as he thinks about it deeply.

"Anyway. We must go satisfy our thirst and hunger. Let us go." I hurry Sir Kyle, and I look up at the huge, but also elegant building in the middle of the square; the walls are made out of a smooth granite and the pillars that support the tiled roof are made of black marble. Quite a rarity in these days as they are mined from underneath volcanic rock. Which isn't just dangerous for the men and woman miners, but also the closest village as it might cause the volcano to become active once more. Intricate and beautiful carvings of angels are carved into the outer walls to tell a history that made this world what it is.

The iron doors are already open and men swarming inside grabbing porridge, chunks of bread and cow broth. As we walk up the steps of the hall several people move aside from one of the 10 metre long tables and let us sit down. Which we gladly oblige and sit down before I take an extra helpful of cow broth and grab a chunk of bread and tuck in. The inside of the hall is also quite capturing with hundreds of dimly lit candles hanging from chains. On the ceiling there's a painting of almost the exact same as the outside. Except for there is a man wearing purple robes holding a white dove up toward the angels, who are reaching down to pick it up. The room is filled with hearty laughs, arousing conversations and the clatter of plates.

Drawing my attention back to my food I scoff down my third bowl of cow broth and go to get another helping when my stomach groans out in protest and I stop, then wait for Sir Kyle to finish his food so we can go to the training grounds and see how the new recruitments are going. We've had over 600 nominations this month to become a knight or knightess from the city that is below us. Which is quite good as last time we only had the occasional group of 10 men with a rare woman joining. But now there's at least 20 women coming in with every 100 men. And most women are more skilled at fighting than men are, so we respect and give the privileges that men usually have to them.

Women are usually looked down upon because most men think they're less... 'able' to fight. But of course men were proved wrong as it seems women are actually more able at fighting as they are less likely to give up with something.

It takes a couple moments for Sir Kyle to finish his breakfast, as he does I get up and wave goodbye to the people on the table and leave, with Sir Kyle trailing right behind me as I turn to the left out of the hall and head straight toward the training ground to see the new recruits.

* * * * * * *

When we get there all the men and women are resting, I take a look around the place I was always dreading 5 years ago. When I was 14 years old, its then same with the outer city walls surrounding the 70m square with different activities in all 4 corners. The floor is made out of 2m sized stone bricks which have sunken into the earth as they've be stepped on so much. The walls are showing a little bit of age as well with the top of them having the occasional chip or crack that runs through it. The training dummies are usually replaced daily and it seems they haven't done it yet, so marks from yesterday's training are embedded into the straw, support and the head of the dummy. As we step through the entrance nearest to the dummies I spot my old trainer, Sir Thorn, who is barking orders and insults at the recruits.

We walk over to him and attract curious stares from the recruits who are still resting, sweating in the morning heat with a faint wisp of wind blowing through the sky. He turns to us and sticks out his hand as I painfully examine him as I remember his harsh words as he pushed me to my limit. His stoat but chunky neck puts him rather taller than most trainers, his armour a silver colour which is different from mine and Sir Kyle's, which are a faint ruby colour showing our rank. Blue, white, green, orange and grey are in the lower levels whilst purple, black, pink and yellow are in the middle. The highest are silver, dark gold, faint ruby and then pure gold. Once you have pure gold than you are a Paladin. The highest of them all.

Anyway going back to Sir Thorn. His moustache is a white colour with his wrinkles showing up against his rather tanned skin, he's the same height as Sir Kyle is and has dark flowing brown hair that is down to his neck. His axe is strapped to his side to keep people in line.

"Good morning Sir Kyle. Lord Darren." He addresses both of us and we bow a slight bit as to address him back with Sir Kyle giving him a handshake. "Stand up recruits! I am now going to introduced you to Lord Darren Taver and Sir Kyle Jones. So be honoured!" Sir Thorn growls at the recruits and they moan and groan here managing to get to their feet. "In front of you stand the 2 most powerful knights known to Lidan. Other than the Paladin's and the Holy King they are more skilled than three hundred men put together! So treat them with respect and they might not squish you like a bug." Sir Thorn informs them and I hear a snigger emerge out of the ranks. I lift an eyebrow in curiousness as Sir Thorn walks toward the ranks and pulls out a young looking man with dirty blonde hair.

"What is so funny Golden boy? You find this funny?! You know what I would find funny? You doing 10 laps around the entire city non-stop is funny! So, why don't we hear what you have to say about your immaturity. Huh?" Sir Thorn snarls at the teenager and he has to step back to breath as Thorn's face is so close to his.

"It's just... how is Lord Darren Taver dangerous? He's the same age as me and doesn't seem that much of a threat. So I thought it was funny." The teenager stands upright and speaks unwavering.

"Oh really? Then why don't you have a duel with Lord Darren then?" Sir Thorn turns to me as to invite me and I nod slightly, taking off my armour and chainmail I lay it on the ground and crack my knuckles to warm up. "Lord Darren is being kind enough to treat you with respect. Go on you squirt!" He hands the teenager a wooden sword and chucks one to me before harshly pushing the teenager into a circle that is in one of the corners of the square and I walk calmly toward it. Positioning me at one of the sides I wait for the man in front of me to make a move, which he does quite fast, but not as fast as I'm used to. He raises the sword up with two hands and prepares to bring it down onto me, before he hesitates and looks toward Sir Thorn for something.

"Is it till one of us is down or the first to tap the other one?" He asks shortly and Sir Thorn puts his index finger up to signal the first choice. The man then continues his attack and I sidestep calmly, but it seems the man thought of that and the sword slams itself into my shoulder and I grunt from the aftershock before jabbing my wooden sword into the stomach of the man and he doubles over, onto the floor and I drop the sword that was in my hand and help the man up onto his feet. He nods as I ask him if he's fine and let go of him before returning to my abandoned armour and putting it back on.

After watching the rest of the training for at least 7 hours my shoulder that was hit in the duel has started to ache quite badly. And hits every time I move it. So I so my goodbye to Sir Thorn and Kyle before making my way back to my home. By the time I get there its 8 o'clock, so the sky has a range of beautiful colours painted across it as if it were a canvas. The sun has already set and the crescent moon has been placed a few inches into the sky. I groan as I use my injured arm to open the door of my home and I step inside, the air slightly cold from me leaving the shutters open from this morning. I go to the shutters and close them before walking over to the fireplace and striking a match and setting the driftwood that is inside of the fireplace on fire, allowing warmth to spread through the room.

As its a pretty dark even with the crackling fire on I walk over to a bunch of candles with matchbox in hand and light two of them, one for my drawing table and the other for my bedside table. Taking my shirt and armour off, I walk over to a small mirror that I have stored in my wardrobe door and examine myself.

My shoulders are slim, one with a deep purple bruise covering it. My chest is small and not bulky, legs and arms are slim, the only thing that shows that I am strong is my arms and my chest, with my abs packed tightly together to form a six pack and muscular but slim arms. My height is 5ft 9". Rather normal for a 19 year old. My eyes are a red colour and my hair is slightly jagged with parts of it sticking up in gravity defying ways. It's also the colour of a sun yellow. My body is completely hairless, which is slightly weird. I also have a beard slowly growing in.

The Story Of Dangar's DownfallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant