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"Young Master?" Said a small voice as a door was heard sliding open. "It is time to wake up."

Little Garroth sat up in his ginormous bed with his pajamas that. had small guard shields on them and he rubbed his small blue eyes as he yond. "Morning." He stuttered.

"Young Master we have much work to attend to. Now lets get you dressed your brother and parents are awaiting you downstairs." Said the maid as she walked into the room and chose his outfit for him. She dressed the young boy into his navy blue tuxedo.

"Aw I wanted to be a guard today." Garroth mumbled as he stared down at his clothes with despair.

"Now, now young man today is a big day. Your Going to hire new slaves today." She stated as she fixed the boys tie then smoothed his hair to make him look as snotty as a rich kid could be. "Go along now. Your family awaits you downstairs in the kitchen."


Garroth sat in the carriage forced beside his brother as he looked out the window which had at least 5 guards walking beside it. "Garroth sweety we're at the auction." His mothers voice called as he felt her warm hand on his back.

He nodded slightly as he held his mothers hand and slowly led down from the carriage. He was then surrounded by the guards. His idols there in front of him. It wasn't the first time he's been by the solders, he's been guarded his whole life it wasn't new to him. He just loved to be around his future job. Being able to protect a lord like his father made him feel so excited when he got older.

The family was slowly led to chairs propped up on a stage so they could have a nice view of the slaves that they would wish to hire. Garroth nor Zane enjoyed these auctions they never understood what they meant and the creepy old man spoke to fast for them to hear what he was actually saying.

Whenever his parents weren't watching Garroth would always sneak away from the guards and his family. He was only 5 he didn't know any responsibility's at his age. He never left outside the yard. Unless he was showered with guards so doing this was his sense of adventure. When the auction began and the crazy man started speaking gibberish Garroth slowly left his seat and maneuvered around the guards like the blonde baby fox he was.

He then ran off toward an area where he could chill out and be nearby so he wouldn't be in trouble with his parents after the auction. He went to his favorite place to sneak to. The flower fields.

He ran down the small hill and plummeted into the pile of Algerian Iris's. He loved those purple beauties that bloomed only in November, and the strange thing about the fields was even though it was fall the green grass and spring flowers still remained. It was like that small area was frozen in time.He rolled around in the plants ruining his tux that his maid had dressed him in. That's when he saw her.

A young girl about his age was sitting in a patch of Snowdrops. She had brown raggedly clothes. Like she was only wearing a piece of worn cloth. She had long black hair that reached her sides and beautiful yellow eyes. Garroth could only gaze at this beautiful silhouette of a girl. He felt his face flush as he stumbled around for a non-smooshed Iris.

"E-Excuse me madam." The young girl heard. She lifted her head from her crouched position and stared at whoever had talked to her. There a young boy. Blonde and blue eyed with fancy clothes that had small green stains on his dark blue tuxedo. "I have gifted you with a flower." He pronounced bowing and sticking out the small plant in front of her.

Then Garroth noticed. She had small chains on her feet. "You're a slave?" He asked.

She pushed Garroth down to the ground and screamed, "Don't take me back! Please! Leave me alone!"

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