¡Quick authors note!

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Okay so a few things to touch up on tonight. This is the only part up tonight because it's 9:35 and I'm tired and I don't want to update. I want suspense. So yea. If you'd like post guesses of the main character. Two hints:

1.) Brain tumored

2.) Male


So yea. Cast your votes in the comments below. And reason I may use Him and Wanda so much is because their my two favorite avengers! So yea. Let me touch up on names:

Avenger name Equals Real name ((used in the book to refer to the person))

Captain America = Steve

Hulk = Bruce

Black Widow = Natasha

Hawkeye = Clint

Thor = Thor

Scarlet Witch = Wanda

*Hawkeyes daughter = Ava

* = Not superhero

So yea. I do not believe in prolougs being helpful. I believe that they ruin the story for me. Many may think the same way as I do. I just dislike them.

Holiday Info!:

Thanks giving ~ not on

Christmas Eve ~ not a scheduled chapter yet but let me check and get back on that

Christmas Day ~ not on (sorry!)

New Years ~ In Flordia so nope unless I have downtime ( :) , :p , :( , :D )

Story related:

So I refer to the characters by their known true identities. Not their avenger name unless (this is rare) their in battle. Sorry! And yes mostly no spoilers ((but there still will be :p ))

And no. These are not on my top priorities list. These are based off a friend and mines role plays. I'll have a new chapter up once we continue ((tomorrow)).

With school, family, friends, God, Awana ((church thing)), and the holidays being my top list of priorities these will mostly be up once or twice a week. Don't beg. It bothers me and others who actually want to post something related to the story as a comment.

These will not be in two languages. Not yet at least. I'm starting Spanish soon so yea. Once I do I will have a Spanish version kind of started. It's going to take longer seeing as I'm Anerican not Spanish.

Any confusion ask. I'm open to ideas and requests.

No I have no clue how many chapters are in this.

Story ideas? Great! Tell me. I take every idea into consideration! Even if I don't do your idea it doesn't mean I've not written it down and its on the waiting list. Remember: I may age other ideas or stories already ahead of yours. Don't get snappy!

I'm almost open to almost any type of story. If you want me to read something I'm almost always open to it!

About the author:

This isn't my idea. Avengers isn't mine. I don't not know the avengers! So, where to start? Hm...... Well let's just say I'll read anything. Unless it's super gorey! Erch! But yea. I like volleyball, avengers ((duh durrrr!)), reading, helping out at my local stables, volunteering, my family, mine craft sisters ((YouTube thing. I recommend you check it out!)), not swearing, and other stuff!

I am open to all ideas! Have one? Want in OC to have its own story? Have an idea for a chapter? Ask and I'll consider it! All ideas are considered. Mostly all taken and used but if the plot line doesn't make sense

Example: Pietro rising from the dead to live with the Avengers. Killing my baby ((Hawkeye......)) or the Red Room coming back ((I'll sometimes use that or reference or bring it up!))

If I don't use yours it's not gone. I still have it!

Reminder: we have human bones and flesh. We may be different and like different thing a but in reality we are one huge family! What is weird? Someone unique or someone different from you? Nither! Both are perfect! We are all humans! Don't be bossy or a bully. If you are rude to someone and I see and you offer an idea for a chapter most likely it won't be used or considered ((but written down)) until a month passes. Sorry but I've been bullied enough to know how it feels.



Okay so I'm tired, getting over a virus, it's late ((JK it's 9:58 this is HAWKward.....)) and my thumbs hurt I'm going to sign off. Night my peeps!

Joke of the week: How did Harry Potter get down the hill? Running. JK he went Rowling. -Me.

*Request jokes of the week in the comments!*

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