"So the park it is then?"

I nodded while we got into Harry's nice car. "Of course to the park. Where else would we go?"

He laughed, "That's a good point. I guess we could always go to my house if you wanted to."

"I can't smoke at your house."

He rolled his eyes, "Is that all you think about Malik?"

I shrugged, "No. I think about you quite a lot actually."

I looked over at him and he had a deep red blush spread across his face. I chuckled and he of course changed the subject so we wouldn't have to focus on him being embarrassed or whatever. "So uh I talked to the guys today."

"About what?"


I raised my eyebrow, "Oh, so you told them huh?"

He nodded, "Yea. It's not like I had to though. Every single person in the school knew about it by second period. It's not like we were trying to hide it or anything."

"True. So what did they say?"

"Well Liam was really happy for us and he says he hopes we're happy together. Niall was just neutral about the whole deal because well the only thing he really cares about is getting fed."

I let out a chuckle, "And what about Louis?" Harry made a face and I knew he wasn't happy with how his friend was taking it. "That bad, huh?"

He shook his head, "I just don't get why he has to be such an arse when it comes to things like this. It's not like I'm dating a prostitute."

I laughed, "He's just being protective over you. I can tell that he really cares about you. And he probably would rather have you dating a prostitute than me. He may be decent when I'm around but I can tell that he really sorta hates my guts."

"Well he's just gonna have to get used to you being around more because if he thinks I'm gonna stop being with you because he's worried then he can just forget it."

I shook my head, "Whatever you say Haz."

We pulled up into the parking lot of the park and we both got out. We joined hands and walked over to my favorite tree before I pulled out the cigarette from behind my ear and lit it up.

I chuckled, "Hey. Remember the time you-"

"Oh don't even fucking go there Malik." He gave me a glare and I smirked.

"Ooo big bad Harry Styles is gonna hurt me huh?"

He put his hands on his hips, "I just might. What are you gonna do about it?"

I raised my eyebrow, "Oh I think we both know the answer to that. I don't think you want to start a fight with me Styles. You'll get hu-" I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and I dug it out seeing that the name on my screen. Josh. "Hold on Haz. I gotta take this."

He nodded and I slid my finger across the screen to answer the call before putting up to my ear and moving a few feet away from Harry.

"Hey Josh. What's up?"

"We've got a problem mate."

I groaned, "Who is it now?"

"I don't know the guy. He's just over here causing some fucking issues about you owing him something or some shit like that. Says that you have his money."

I rolled my eyes knowing that it was probably some stupid kid that I had never even spoken to in my life. Chances were that if Josh didn't know them then neither did I. This kid probably just wanted to see if he could scare me or something fucking stupid like that. "Alright Josh. Where are you?"

"I'm on the far end of the park by the pond."

"Ok. I'll be there soon."

"K. Bye."

I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket and walked back over to Harry.

"What was that about?"

"Just some stuff I have to take care of really quick."

He sighed and gave me a pouty face, "You're leaving already?"

I nodded, "Yea but only for a few minutes I should be back really soon ok?"

"Alright but please be careful."

I kissed his cheek, "I will. I promise. t

Just stay here. Don't follow me."

He slowly nodded and I gave him another kiss on the cheek before making my way over to where Josh was waiting. I was hoping I wouldn't have to start a fight and make Harry wait but business was business and right now it was my first priority.

Help Isn't Such a Bad Thing (Zarry/Nouis)Where stories live. Discover now