Don't Ask !

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Dear Diary , err, I mean journal , it’s a journal , not a lame diary . Ahhh!!! Why am I even writing in this thing . Ugh  , my stupid sister and her wacko ideas . She thinks everyone in the world needs a diary to write down “ feelings” and “ thoughts “ . How lame is that !  Wait , what was I talking about again .

Grr , I’m gonna stop writing in this .

Sincerely . I have to write sincerely or love after it according to my “ dear” sister  , Before I sign my name .

So sincerely , You know what Don’t Ask , Don’t even ask !

Caitlin leaned against the door to her brother’s room . She had suggested to him to keep a diary , like she was. It  wasn’t that big of a deal , but apparently to Carter it was.  They were twins , and Caitlin was older . She always felt the need to structure her brother’s life .

Look at his room , she thought , it was a complete mess ! And to top it off , he was too lazy and never went outside ,unless it was to go to someone else’s house to play video games.

Caitlin shook her head and went back to her bedroom . Tomorrow would be their first day of highschool . She squealed she couldn’t believe she was a freshman . On Caitlin’s yellow wall was taped a list of all the things she wanted to do in highschool.

1 . wear amazing clothes

2. make lots of friends

3. get invited to several parties

4. become a cheerleader

5. get a boyfriend

She examined her list , she wanted all of those things ,and in that order as well . Caitlin was determined to be popular , even if it killed her . Today her mother was going to take her last minute school clothes shopping along with her brother .

Caitlin skipped to her bed , and  pressed play on her Ihome . The song Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus came on . She pulled out from underneath her bed a couple of magazines she had yet to finish .

Don’t ask ! Just seriously ,do not ask how my day went . I almost died ! not of anything armful unless you count boredom harmful !

I spent about twenty hours in the girls department at the mall , listening to my mother and my sister talk about clothes . And If I could’ve walked away , I would’ve ran !

How is school exciting ? Can someone please tell me why ! Cause last I checked It was filled with lame teachers and boring  classes . Oh,and Gross cafeteria food , that looks and tastes like Mold !

And how would I know how Mold tastes ? Don’t Ask !

Carter woke up and the Next morning . He was up at Seven , and class didn’t start till Eight . he smirked. He looked into Caitlin’s room to see her still fast asleep . Her Alarm clock wasn’t set till Five after Seven . Carter ran into the bathroom and locked the door . It wouldn’t take him long to get ready for school . Barely three minutes , four if he combed his hair .

The clock started to ring in Caitlin’s room. Carter pulled out his Nintendo Ds. Yep , he was going to be in her for awhile .

Caitlin’s eyes fluttered open , and she sighed . She hopped out of her bed and ran straight to her closet . She was up till Eleven last night determining her perfect school outfit . She had picked light skinny  jeans and a dark blue tank top with a light blue jacket to go over it .

She grabbed her clothes and headed towards the bathroom . She looked at the knob and could tell it was locked.

“ Carter “ She called out “ How much longer are you gonna be in there “  Carter was trying to get the pig to jump over its obstacle .

“ Till I reach level five “ He said . he was sitting on the counter . The Pig had been hit by a duck and lost one of its three lives .

The clock ticked and it Seven, thirty .  “ Carter ! “ Caitlin screamed. “ The bus will be here in fifteen , minutes give me the bathroom “. Carter opened the door , his sister pushed passed him to get ready for school .

Mr and Mrs . Tyler were down stairs eating breakfast , waiting for their kids to come down stairs . Mrs.Tyler looked out the window to see the school bus pulling up . “ Kids , the bus is here “. Carter came down the stairs , as best as he wanted to look .

He said “bye” to his parents and left for his first day of school . Caitlin came down a second later . Her hair was more frizzy than when she would wake up , and it was sticking out all over .

She grabbed her lunch bag from the kitchen table . Her parents were staring at her , wondering what had gone wrong .

“ Don’t Ask ! “ She grumbled as she went to get on the bus . So much for her perfect first day of school !  Carter was laughing in the bus seat behind her .

She knew he had done this to her . She turned around in her seat but all he said was “ Don’t Ask ! “ .

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