Chapter 2

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Francisco did not expect to see a child in Oliver's arms when he and the kids got home.
"Oliver, why do you have a baby in your arms?"
"Oh. The doorbell rung and this little bundle of joy was there."
"We can't have another kid the two we have are already a pain in the ass."
"Yes we can. And the two we have are not."
"Yes they are a pain and having a baby means that I have to take care of other things than myself."
"I will have this kid or you're not having sex for the rest of your life."
"Fine. But I'm not the one to take care of.... it."
""It" is a girl!"


Oliver went upstairs to show his sons Allen and Matt. The two were fighting as usual. This time about who killed the most people.
"I did!"
"No! I did!"

"Boys stop fighting! We have a new addition to our family."
Both boys got up to look at the sleeping child.
"It's little."
"It's a girl."
"Can I play baseball with her?"
"Only if I can play hockey with her."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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