We ordered our drinks and food before Diggy cleared his throat. "You look amazing tonight" he said as he examined me before looking into my eyes.
He looked away and glared a guy he saw staring at me. "Too bad I'm not the only person in here who thinks that" he said as his jaw clenched.

"You look great too" I said as I ignored the last part and gave him a small smile.

He took a deep breath before he directed his attention back to me. "You already know why we're here, right?"

I slowly nodded before playing with my necklace.

We stayed silent and after a while, our food came. We both ate, without saying a word to each other. He waited on me to finish my food before he finally said something to me.

"You know I was gonna leave you right? After I found out what you were doin', what was goin' on. I wanted to leave you."

"Why didn't you?" Curiosity was taking over me. Hell, I would've even left me after what happened. So why didn't he?

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't even know to be honest, I just couldn't."


I looked up at him and took a sip of my wine. "Why what?"

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you hurt me like that?"

As soon as I was about to speak, a group of girls walked over to us smiling really hard and squealing. "You're Diggy Simmons right?"

Diggy gave them a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I am. How are you?"

"OH-EM-GEE, it is him! Can we get an autograph? And a picture?"

I gave them a small smile as they handed my their cameras and asked to take pictures of them. Then they all gathered in a group and asked for a picture with me too. I'm not sure why though, I'm not even famous. They wrote down their Twitter names so we could follow them before running off laughing.

I sat back down and watched as other people walked up to us wanting to talk to Diggy. I was actually grateful because they were stopping us from having the inevitable conversation.

He sat back down quietly, waiting for me to answer his question. "Diggy, I never meant to take it as far as I did-"

"Then why didn't you stop it? Why did you start in the first place? And don't use the child we lost as an excuse because that's complete bullshit and you know it" he said, trying to keep his voice low since we were in public.

I took a deep breath. "That was part of the reason, I felt trapped, hurt. I wanted to fell free again, I wanted to do something out of character-"

"You were being selfish-"

"I know I was, okay? You think I'm happy about all of it?"

"You don't seem too sad about it" he said in a rude, sarcastic tone.

"You don't know how I feel" I said angrily. "So don't try to act like you do."

"It doesn't matter, you lied anyway" he said, looking me straight in the eye.

"I didn't lie about anything! That was gonna be my last night-"

"If I wouldn't have caught you that night, I wouldn't have ever found out, which is lyin'" he said. "It doesn't matter if it was gonna be your damn last night or not! That's not the fuckin' point!"

"Lower. Your. Voice." I watched as he was breathing hard and trying to calm himself down and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "I know what I did was fucked up, is that what you want me to say? Do you want me to do the impossible and turn back time because if I could, I would've done it already-"

Recovery (A Diggy & Yn Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now